<p>I'm in honors physics. I usually understand most of the math questions, but i struggle with the conceptual questions. Any suggestions?? I need to improve my grade...and i heard the second half of the year is easier. thanks.</p>
<p>Read books. I bought 5 Steps to a 5 for the AP exam, which should shed some light on the conceptual stuff.</p>
<p>Definately learn from books. My physics class sucks big time you know why? Sure we have a crappy teacher who doesn’t teach anything. You think you can learn from the book right? The book is WAY out of print and all of the info is cluttered.</p>
<p>Buy some books or better yet check out your local library.</p>
<p>thanks. yeah my teacher isn’t too great…any other books you recommend??</p>
<p>Yea, my physics teacher is really good, but the tests are so hard, so I’m actually really worried about my final grade this semester. I have the Princeton Review book, which seems really good; has lots of practice problems.</p>
<p>I had a great Physics Honors teacher, I just hated the subject. It’s really hard to understand if you don’t have a good teacher. I went to his classroom before school literally EVERYDAY the entire school year just so I could get extra help. It worked, and I ended up getting an “A” both semesters and I scored the highest grade on the final. AWESOME!</p>
<p>I don’t know what is taught in US physics (and how good you are in math), but for understanding the concepts there’s only one book: Feynman. It’s fairly expensive, so you should get it from a library.</p>