Picking a college with good financial aid

I am a 16 yr old girl , and incoming junior, with a 4.0 gpa , currently rank 1 in my class. I am a dual credit student and I plan on taking all the ap classes my school offers, I am very nervous about picking the “right” college for me the biggest factors for my decision will be how much financial aid I will be given, if the school will accept my college credits, and if the school has a good English program. English is my intended major and after that I plan on going to grad school for Law , I have been limiting my options to in-state because of financial reason and I am worried they will not take my full 60 college credit hours. If there are any schools which will take out of state credit please share with me It would mean a lot. Greatly appreciate all responses and advice.

  • Passed APHUG with a 3
    -4 on AP Spanish
    -4 on APWHM
    -4.0 college gpa taken 7 courses
  • First-gen
    -60,000 parent yearly income -
    -STUCO,NHS,Book club, and UIL,
    -NHI LDZ

please help me out

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Daniela. Others will tell you how but you’ll want to change your name.

What state are you from ?

Do you have a desired budget ?

The first place I’ll direct you to is Questbridge. Take a look. You’d go to college for free at a top college if qualified.

Also there are schools that have full rides. Schools like Washington & Lee which has the Johnson Scholar. American and the Frederick Douglas. SMU, Seattle U and more.

Then there’s schools that have auto merit aid. Schools like U of Alabama and U of Arizona. But you’d still pay room and board unless you have a perfect SAT/ACT.

Then there are colleges that will meet your financial need…as they determine, not you. And your folks and you could fill out the Net Price Calculator at some to see what it says. A school like Middlebury or Wesleyan perhaps.

Tell us more. And good luck.



Read this to change that username.

I think OP is past the window to change her username on her own so she’ll need to email admin@collegeconfidential.com or PM @CC_Mike or @CC_Jon

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Yes…email them!

Change your user name please. Message @CC_Jon and @CC_Mike , or tag them on the linked post above.

Private universities are unlikely to accept all your credits. You will need to check with each school to see what they will accept. You might place out of intro level courses at some colleges, but again, it’s up to you to check with every college you plan to apply to.

The same is true of AP credits. Some colleges might accept them for credit or placement. For example, at my son’s college, his AP scores were accepted for credit and he placed out of the intro level courses in that subject. The downside is that when he actually took his first class in his major, it had been two years since that course in high school. He had forgotten the material. The college wouldn’t let him take intro level because he already had credit. So he struggled a lot at first with the college course. Be careful what you wish for. AP classes are good, but they really are not the same as a college course.

You can’t decide which college to attend until you apply and get accepted, so don’t put the cart before the horse. Most colleges will have good English majors.

Run the NPC on each college’s website. You may find that your EFC is affordable. You can look at Questbridge, as mentioned above. You can possibly qualify for full ride scholarships at schools such as U Alabama and U New Mexico. If you want to maximize all your DE and AP credits, you can possibly start college as a sophomore. You can save money by commuting. You can go to community college and transfer. The good thing is you’re starting your information gathering now, so keep coming here to ask questions and we will try to help you.


I would say the most likely schools to take your college credit would be in-state publics. My D’19 came in with 25 DE credits and her small public took 22 of them. They matched up well with the college’s gen eds. She was able to graduate early which helped financially. This was an OOS public but not far over the border and they were fine with her DE’s.

It’s possible some of your 60 hours won’t match any particular course needed for your major or gen eds. So I wouldn’t count on every single one getting used, but when you identify some options, you could email them about their DE policies.

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You sound like you may qualify for Questbridge. Have you discussed with your guidance counselor?

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I have not but I will start :slight_smile:

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