Picking UCSD over Spring 2008 Berkeley?

<p>i got rejected from my first choice ucla but i am a spring 2008 admit for berkeley. while i would love to go to berkeley, i want to dorm real bad and for some reason, i think i’ll miss out so much if i dont get a dorm since i’m not garuanteed one. ucsd on the other hand, i will get a dorm but i dont know about picking ucsd over berkeley.</p>

<p>anybody in somewhat similar situation?</p>

<p>You'll get to dorm, ask some of the people on the berkeley forum, but spring admits are rarely denied campus housing.</p>

<p>wow im in the exact same predicament as you. being accepted spring 2008 makes me feel so second rate. BOO. :'(</p>

ucsd on the other hand, i will get a dorm but i dont know about picking ucsd over berkeley.


<p>Which one was your first choice? Where do you feel more comfortable?</p>

<p>I wouldn't make this decision on the basis of Fall vs. Spring start, except for the fact that when you start in the Fall in a dorm, particularly at a large campus like Berkeley, you tend to make friends that you will have during your 4 years of college. I know because I was refused housing when I first started there, and it made connecting with people a bit harder. I envied my friends who got right into dorms.</p>

<p>If it is about a toss-up, go to UCSD, start in the Fall with everyone else, and don't look back. At this point, it's a question of fit. Both are great schools and if you do well at either one, you'll go on to do well anywhere....</p>

<p>well when I listened to different counselors from the schools it became pretty evident that the atmospheres at the two schools are very different. If you want to be in a more competitive, more study oriented environment and dont really care about location then Berkeley is perfect and starting in spring even though you might not make as many friends should not be a problem. UCSD is more laid back and the environment is beautiful and SD is near by so you can party more on the weekends. Its what type of person you are.</p>

<p>IMO UCB is also a very beautiful school set in a wonderful environment. They are just different. UCB has an active greek life and top D1 sports and there are plenty of activities and parties there every weekend. UCB is in the bay area which is widely considered a great place to live. UCSD is in the quiet and upscale community of La Jolla and near to the beach. The weather is typically warm most of the time. What do you prefer, a busy urban or a more quiet suburban environment?</p>

<p>i don't know if this sounds stupid but i want to dorm real bad. i would love to go to berkeley because of their reputation in business but if i dont want to miss out on any fun.</p>

<p>i know it may sound like im picking college for the wrong reason but i want to have a great time while im at it.</p>

<p>i'm definitely an outgoing guy. how is berkeley's social life?</p>

<p>if i got into for fall admit i wouldn't be tripping.</p>

<p>Berkeley has a great social life. There are tons of clubs and activities, top D1 sports, amazing concerts and a town that is open till all hours. The public transportation is good. The greeks are very strong on the campus as well.</p>

<p>OMG i am in your EXACT position.</p>

<p>i want to do business also.</p>

<p>i want to have FUN also.</p>

<p>and spring admit brings berkeley down.</p>

<p>but the name Berkeley just brings it back up. </p>

<p>UCSD is so chill and the place is so beautiful.</p>

<p>what to do?!?!?!?!?!?</p>

<p>also if i got to berkeley i have a chance of getting my admission recinded cause my gpa last semster was 2.8 so that brings it down again.</p>

<p>what to do?!?!?!?!</p>

<p>oh and i got rejected from my first choice UCLA also</p>

<p>My sister was deferred to spring semester the year she applied, but she had a blast in the extension program and still got housing.</p>

My sister was deferred to spring semester the year she applied, but she had a blast in the extension program and still got housing.


<p>You know, I hadn't thought about that: extension. You can get into some classes and get credit (I think) even if you are not yet formally admitted. That could be the way to do it.</p>

<p>I had a friend who went to Brown and did the same thing (he was a Spring admit) and just hung out for a semester and it worked very well for him.</p>

<p>Still, if you want to get right into the dorm thing, I would still really look at UCSD. Ultimately, no one can answer but you.</p>

<p>its only one semester out of 4 yrs so if you are in love with cal, then u should stick it out. if you know ppl at cal already (classmates at HS that are going there) just ask them to show you around when you move in spring qtr and have them introduce you to their friends (which is a great way to know new ppl). if you are outgoing, making friends even if you are a semester later should not be a huge deal.</p>

<p>it depends on you. but like bedhead said, choose one and dont look back</p>

<p>ixsweethearxi haha good to know someone in the same situation as me.</p>

i don't know if this sounds stupid but i want to dorm real bad.


<p>I've thought about your situation. This doesn't sound stupid at all. I recommend going to UCSD. Though if you choose Berkeley, I am sure it would be fine. In other words, either way you're good.</p>

<p>Can you try Fall quater at UCSD first then take Winter and Spring quaters off from UCSD to try UCB?</p>

<p>my answer to your question.
I would. lol I'd pick UCSD over spring Berkeley. But hey I'm gonna go to UCSD so I guess I'm biased. If I was in your situation I'd probably think twice about it. Depends how much you really wanna go to Berkeley. If you're in love with Berkeley then just go there even if it IS the spring semester.</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>If there are two of you on here in the same situation why don't you pm each other. Perhaps you could end up rooming together at UCB in the spring, end of problem!</p>

<p>There was a Berkeley related post called Ask Vicissitudes (V is the guy's CC name) that you should really look at. He mentioned something about a program in the Fall for Spring admits at Berkeley. Apparently, you can take classes and even live on campus. But there is a limited number of enrollees allowed. Hurry up!</p>