<p>here are some pics i took April 16th-19th incase u have never been to campus. </p>
<p><a href=“Webshots - Wallpaper / Screen Savers”>Webshots - Wallpaper / Screen Savers</a></p>
<p>here are some pics i took April 16th-19th incase u have never been to campus. </p>
<p><a href=“Webshots - Wallpaper / Screen Savers”>Webshots - Wallpaper / Screen Savers</a></p>
<p>There is no way she is 18. I'd take that link down immediately.</p>
<p>jk : ) looks like you had fun</p>
<p>great pics, i was there a week a ago and those pics made me feel like i was there again</p>
<p>btw 713kevin, that TEP party was nothing...the chicks at TEP are never that great. there were a ton of much better parties!!!! You are going to love penn bro.</p>
<p>Nice pics man.</p>
<p>i think you forgot to put your collar down...</p>
<p>who said she was 18 comparanza1212 lol? never really got her age</p>
<p>Great pics. Reminds me of how much I do <em>genuinely</em> love Penn. =)</p>
<p>What pic are you all talking about?</p>