Pitiful Junior Year schedule?

<p>AP English Language and Composition
AP Biology
AP World History
Honors Trig/Pre-Cal
Honors Latin III/IV
Honors Studio III</p>

<p>Rigor? 1-10?</p>

<p>****ing pitiful</p>

<p>LOL, thanks.</p>

<p>You’re fine. Actually, your Junior schedule is better mine.</p>

<p>AP Biology I & II
AP Environmental Science
Honors Pre-Calculus
Honors English 11
American Studies II
Latin I/II</p>

<p>If you schedule is better than my schedule for next year, you’re perfect.</p>

<p>“If you schedule is better than my schedule for next year, you’re perfect.”</p>

<p>Possible the most illogical sentence I have ever read.</p>

<p>Terrible, absolutely terrible. I hope you’re not trying to get into any decent universities, because that lack of ambition is setting you on a road to Nowhere.</p>

<p>You should just sign up for your local community college now.</p>

<p>@JeffreyTao Wow. Sorry for just playing around. But I was kind of serious. I’ve seen schedules similar to mine on this website and they are called “weak” “not rigorous” etc. The real problem on this website is people putting others down because of course rigor and saying that they’re going to community college. </p>

<p>@octavius95 It sounds like you were joking, but if you wasn’t, that comment was kind of rude. </p>

<p>@Deziky Were you saying that to me? Just asking.</p>