Pitt Honors Discussion and Results 2022, Class of 2026

Lol! Ya, I realize that’s how it “should” work, it hasn’t yet :wink:

Thank you! Fingers crossed for your senior. This is our first round (with two, in a pandemic–not the best intro to this inherently complex process!).

I agree with all of this, RE: honors info session

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Congrats, that’s awesome!! Was it an email/phone call or update on portal?

They sent a packet with the letter and other information through a delivery service. Don’t know which one because I wasn’t home, but it was not through the USPS. Letter dated March 1, and received March 2

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Wow, Nice! I guess Chancelors invites may come by email/phone? Any ideas how?

The initial Stamps notification that she was invited for the first Zoom interview came via email. I would think that is how they reach out for Chancellor’s invites for the interview. I do not know how many interviews there are for Chancellor’s. Could be 1 or 2? Also, is it a panel interview in person? On Zoom? I’m sorry I do not know more about Chancellor’s process, but these are things that candidates should be considering. Good luck to all of those amazing Pitt Honors kids!

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My daughter got into the honors college. I’m happy and relieved for her because she was interviewed for the Stamps scholarship and did not advance, and she was not selected for honors at a slightly lesser-ranked school she had applied to (which goes to show you how subjective these decisions can be). With honors, I think we’re realizing that Pitt checks all the boxes.

We signed up for an in-person admitted student day. Does anyone know if there will be a break-out session for honors? Or what the itinerary might look like?There was no information on the website–just that it lasts from 8-11am. We would really love to see the honors dorm etc. in person.

Congrats to all our fabulous kids!


@collegehope100 , I am sorry your D did not advance for Stamps. Was she a semi-finalist? My D22 loved all of the other semi-finalists that interviewed at her time and day. Congrats on honors.

At the admitted students day in November, there was an option to go to an Honors session. There was a panel of honors kids and they spoke about their research and involvements. I don’t think you can enter the dorms, but if you opt for an “upper campus tour” (I recommend doing both the upper and lower campus tours), you will certainly see the outside of Sutherland Hall and where it is situated across from the Peterson Events Center. Lots of green space in upper campus. Also, Sutherland has the full cafeteria for upper campus in the building.

Another thing you can arrange (might need to) or just do – depending on the covid restrictions, is to go up to the floor in the Cathedral of Learning that houses Pitt Honors. See what it looks like.

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Thanks @Winky1! My D was not a semi-finalist. Huge congrats to your D!!

We’re looking forward to seeing the campus again. We did visit in the summer, but I felt our tour guide didn’t have much to tell us other than the names of the buildings bc he was a rising sophomore who had taken all of his courses online due to the pandemic. We will opt for the upper campus tour.

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My D18 was in your girl’s situation with Stamps. She did not advance after the Zoom interview. Super bright kids!! D18 was also accepted into Honors, and funny enough, D22 the Stamps Scholar was honors waitlisted, hee hee


So we are from the south, and masks here even when it says ‘required’ are very much non-existent. we are cool either way, and follow whatever is needed. but sounds like Pitt is pretty mask -strict? just curious? (NOT looking for any kind of debate), we went interviewing to Giorgia lately and kept our mask on a lot more than down here in the south.

Pittsburgh has eased up on the masking, especially after the CDC changed course last Friday. Our public high school lost the masks this past Monday because of that change. However … Pitt is mask lock down. You’ll need it there. Also, some other places (Benedum Center) still masking even though their own rules say no masks if in Low Range in Allegheny County, but they still made the whole theater mask up. So you might need to mask depending on where you visit even outside of campus buildings. No debate, just reporting the situation.


It should be email.

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Hi. I emailed Pitt Honors the other day and they said the Chancellor’s scholarship finalists will be emailed by the end of this week(so I guess Friday) and those are the ones offered an interview. So keep an eye out for an email. Also, I believe 50 kids are finalists and then 15 are chosen for the scholarship. Hope this helps!


thank you,
did you happen to find out if they will be in-person interviews or zoom.
not that it really matters until/IF she hears back.
this is one of the last things left for her, and I’m getting way too anxious!

I guess my question wasn’t specific, sorry. I meant to ask, do the freshman Honors students get to move in a week earlier than all of the other students? This is the case for other colleges my daughter applied to, so curious if Pitt does this too?

My friend said the accepted student day was great but she wasn’t impressed with the honors portion. Said it dragged on and most of it was irrelevant (focusing on Rhodes and Fulbright Scholars, not the majority of honors students).

No, there are special programs you can do earlier but move-in is by floor and dorm, nothing to do with honors. Spread over about 3 days.


Thank you for the clarification!