Places I should be looking at? (with a good econ program)

<p>Hi guys, so I'm a junior right now and starting to get really stressed about colleges.</p>

<p>I mean I don't feel like I'll get in anywhere, and I'm having trouble finding ones that I want to go to that I feel like I can.</p>

<p>Here's my List of Colleges</p>

<p>Dream Schools
1. UChicago
2. Harvard
3. Yale, etc.
4. Northwestern</p>

<p>"Match Schools"
1. UVirginia
2. Berkeley
3. Michigan
4. Pomona?</p>


<p>Haven't found any I would actually want to go to/ NEED some help here :)</p>

<p>Is there anyway you guys could chance me/give me some advice and/or options for schools I should be looking at?</p>

<p>Thanks for your time in advance!</p>

Honors World Studies
Honors Earth and Space Science
English 9
Spanish 1
(maybe others, can't remember/unimportant)</p>

AP U.S. History
AP Biology
Honors English 10
Spanish 2
Algebra 2
CADD 1</p>

<p>Math 141 (Trig over summer)</p>

AP European History
AP U.S. Government and Politics
AP Calculus AB
AP Language and Composition
AP Physics B
Spanish 3
Econ 101 (AP Micro essentially)
AP Macroeconomics</p>

AP English Literature
AP Chemistry
AP Spanish
Econ 301
Econ 302
Math 265 (Calculus III)
Math 267 (Differential Equations)
Linear Algebra
Greek/Roman Mythology</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA so far: 4.0 (all A's in every class)</p>

<p>Don't know weighted.</p>

<p>SAT (first time): 2210 (should i retake?)
ACT (first time, will retake): 31</p>

<p>U.S. History SAT Subject Test: 760</p>

<p>AP Scores</p>

<p>U.S. History: 5
Biology: 4
Calculus BC: TDB
Physics B: TBD
European History: TBD
Language and Composition: TBD
Microeconomics: TBD
Macroeconomics: TBD
U.S. Government and Politics: TBD</p>

<p>I believe I should get National AP Scholar.</p>

Varsity Hockey- all 4 years
JV Captain (Hockey)- fresh and soph
Math Tutor
other volunterring stuff
3 mission trips</p>

<p>Basically, I'm hoping you guys can give me some suggestions of schools I'm REALISTICALLY on track for, and should get accepted to. Preferable ones with good econ programs :)</p>

<p>Thank You!</p>

<p>Sorry one more addition,</p>

<p>I am doing an Economics Research Internship at a University. Might have something published in time for college admissions.</p>

<p>MODERATOR NOTE: This forum is for questions about the admissions process.</p>

<p>Please post all Chances threads on the What are my Chances? forum. If you want help developing a college list, please post on the College Search and Selection forum.</p>