I always score 30-31 on practice test. Time is never an issue. I study every mistake and take notes for every mistake I make in a notebook (ways to improve, what will I do different, etc). Is there another way to review the practice tests? I have mostly rhetorical mistakes on grammar. I almost never get less than 4 wrong on 50-60 for math. Reading I score low on arts/literature passages. Science is always dumb mistakes but that score is improving :). I have done about 12 practice tests but still can’t score higher plxx help!
Here are some tips that can help you with the rhetorical English questions
The “best conclusion” question. The answer is: 1. The main topic 2. In the title of the passage (don’t forget to read it!) . 3. The Idea mentioned most frequently. The answer will NOT be a specific, tiny detail. This is usually the LAST question in the set.
The “would this answer fulfill the writer’s goal” question. Look for the Yes, Yes, No, No pattern. Eliminate wrong answers. If one Yes is wrong, they are both wrong. These are the most challenging questions on the test. Consider skipping if you are running out of time.
The “most effective transition” question. The answer has something from BOTH of the paragraphs in ORDER.
The “most relevant information” question. The answer is what the questions asks about something SPECIFICALLY. Example: If you are asked about the “most relevant information “ about ice cream, the answer will not have information about popsicles, snow cones or coolers. Cross those out right away.
The “most effective introduction” question. The answer will be the one that talks about ALL the topics in the paragraph. The answers must be restated from the paragraph itself, (not from paragraph above or below it).
The “when to omit the underlined portion question. ALWAYS OMIT unless it meets BOTH of these criteria: Restates the concept from the surrounding text AND Contributes a NEW concept from the surrounding text