Plato, Socrates, and many many more...

Do you know where you which colleges have a good program for philosophy[undergraduate or graduate level]. THANKS

<p>St. Johns college has two campuses, one in Annapolis, MD and another is New Mexico. At both, you don't declare majors, but rather pursue a rigorous classic education with plenty of Plato and Socrates.</p>

<p>The Philosophical Gourmet has an excellent website that ranks graduate programs and discusses in detail what you might consider in undergraduate programs. You should definitely start there.</p>

<p>YES! St. John's College rocks. First years read lots and lots of plato and aristotle and socrates. FOR SURE look into that.</p>

<p>psh Plato and Socrates are the easy philosophers - if you want some hard-core philosophy, study phenomenology and Hegel (good luck understanding a single page of his writing), Husserl, Kierkegaard :)
jk of course - i'm a big fan of plato and aristotle. But in all seriousness, almost any school you choose can give you a good undergrad philosophy education. The Philosophical gourmet is a good site for ranking Graduate programs (which in turn is a good indicator of a school's undergraduate program, as the courses are taught by the same professors). As a shameless plug for my own program, I think we have a very good philosophy department here at UCLA. We have some of the foremost modern philosophers in areas such as Logic (David Kaplan and Calvin Normore), Language (Tyler Burge and Joseph Almog), epistemology, etc.</p>

<p>ooo...i LOVE philosophy...especially logic...i wanna learn propositional calculus hahaha</p>