<p>I just wanted to leave a message for all fellow CCers. The first few weeks of a new semester are always pretty hectic with figuring out what's going on, adding/dropping classes, waitlist disasters, and getting into the swing of things. But please keep in mind that although you do have a while to decide what classes to add/drop, think of others who may really really need that class and are waiting for you to decide to drop it. I know so many students who had late telebears and couldn't get any of their classes, meanwhile others are enrolled in 5-6 classes and just taking it easy and saying they will figure out what to drop in a few weeks. </p>
<p>Now people may want to complain about this post, but I'm just saying to take a minute and think about if you were in their shoes and worrying about having to pay $$$ for summer school, not having enough units, 8am-8pm days, etc. Help out as much as possible and just do your evaluating within the first two weeks to give everyone a peace of mind.</p>
<p>Thanks :).</p>