Please Chance Deferred Pton Student for Ivies+SM

<p>Hey guys,
So I was deferred from Princeton SCEA
and I was wondering if anyone would be willing
to chance me? Thanks!</p>

<p>SAT: 2320 (one sitting), 2370 superscored (770 CR)
SAT II: 780 on Math II, Chem, Bio M, 760 on US
GPA: 3.98? W: 4:35
Rank: Val prob, otherwise Sal
AP: 5's on all: Comp Sci A, Calc AB, BC, US, Bio, Chem (self study), Eng Lang & Comp (self), Macro (self), Micro (self)
Senior Year Coarse Load: Difficult, but school doesn't offer as many as I'd like (Even though I attend a Gold ranked school)
Co-Authored a paper with UCLA Pharmacology, abstract submitted to all, full paper to HY
No Financial Aid
Asian Male (and I'm proud of it)

<p>Edit: Not applying to Cornell, Upenn program of choice was LSM (anyone have any opinions on this program or the Wharton School?)</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a> ^Maybe a bit more detailed stats</p>

<p>SM and Ivies (except Cornell): Reach and being an Asian male does not help you.</p>

<p>I am assuming that you applied to other top colleges.
In the end, you will get into some great colleges.</p>

<p>Good luck to you!</p>

<p>You have an incredible chance, and nobody can truly tell you how likely you are to get in. Nobody really knows who will get in. You clearly fit the bill for any school, it just depends if they need someone like you in their class. :smiley: GOOD LUCK!</p>

<p>what are your ECs?</p>

<p>Varsity Swimming/Water polo since freshman year
President of Amnesty International at my school
250+ volunteer hours at a hospital
UCLA 2 summers, co-authored paper with Pharmacology department (don’t know if it’s considered as a hook, but I think its important)
VP General Electronics Club (discussions and talks about computers, programming, tech stuff)
NYLC (leadership conference in DC)
Asian Student Union since freshman year</p>

<p>I talked A LOT about cooking (common app essay and for most colleges that have many short essays, I made sure to emphasize food/cooking in at least one of them) any input on this? Thanks to everyone!</p>

<p>You’re definitely Ivy league material. It all depends on which ivy league fits you better. You have a really great chance at any school you apply to. Good Luck</p>

<p>The paper sounds great, but your other extracurriculars are on the weak side. Having a clear, unique interest in food/cooking helps, though, and of course, your scores and academic stats are very good. You have a good chance of getting into at least one out of the Ivies/S/M.</p>

<p>jw what is M? I know ivies and I assume S is Stanford…</p>

<p>MIT 10char</p>

<p>IMO, i don’t think your ECs are weak…some of them might be but playing a 2 varsity sports since freshmen year is a big time commitment so i def wouldnt call it weak. also being the president of a club is good but try to talk about what changes you made as president (making the club bigger, any big events you set up, etc)</p>

<p>Wow, your school has 2 legit Harvards and 2 Stanfords early and you were deferred, as val, from Princeton, the easiest SCEA of them (sorry to rub it in lol)? I know you’re defensive about your race and all but in this context you are judged at a higher standard than other demographic, esp. from an Asian populated state like CA. I obviously in terms of academics, you’re good. ECs aren’t bad or anything, but i guess if we’re talking asian here, they’re a little cookie-cutter/nothing stands out. A few club leaderships, some research…it’s a little overdone. And appears that you have no major awards or achievements either. It still looks like Yale and Harvard are undoubtedly reaches. I wouldn’t rule out Penn LSM completely (couple friends got in ED with similar/slightly worse qualifications you at least academically, similar in terms of research/ECs as well). But I think they already filled up 15 spots with ~10 spots left so it’s gonna be mad competitive. In terms of the program, you can do pre-med but most people use their Wharton degrees to make bank right after graduation. Any Wharton degree can get you a lot of money straight from undergrad. So it seems like schools like Dartmouth, Columbia, Brown, MIT still look pretty iffy…maybe one or more but it’s a tough call. Oh and the cooking thing looks like a unique angle, but it seems like you don’t have much to show for it in terms of your ECs so it doesn’t come through as a clear passion.</p>

thanks for the input, but I’m not sure how to list cooking on the common app as it’s an interest I can’t pursue at like a competitive level (not even sure if I’d be eligible to participate) but I cook a lot and experiment with different cuisines, etc.</p>

<p>I’m not applying premed. I chose LSM because I intend to go Pharma. Dad’s a doctor, don’t wanna be like him at all (works all day, never has any fun). I like the business aspect and for all colleges I put bio with an econ secondary. Most likely double major if a school offers it, otherwise econ minor. I’m not exactly closed to doing business in the future, just intended to do business in the medical field, hence pharma. </p>

<p>I do agree, that Pton was prob the easiest SCEA (its a major component of why I applied there early, besides the fact that it’s a better fit for me than most), one of the Harvard’s was a legacy and I feel like he already knew he was getting in. Such a privileged kid. Stanford ppl won robotics state (even though they had below 2000 SAT) so many were surprised they got in with low SAT, even though their GPA was pretty good with all A’s with a decently rigorous courseload.</p>

<p>Hopin on Y, UPenn, H, and S. I’d even consider C and MIT over P now.</p>

<p>Edit: 3 stanford got in, I put 2/3 S to say that two of the three were NOT recruits. there was a female crew recruit this year</p>