Pton, Harvard, Yale, MIT, Cornell, Penn, Duke, UVa, Williams

<p>Hi, I'm new here and just heard about this place from a friend.
I just got deferred from Princeton but I'm still aiming high(maybe too high?)
Nationality: South Korea
SAT I: 1580 (V:780 M: 800)
SAT IIs: Writing 780 Math IIC 800 Chemistry 780 Physics 790 Biology 750
GPA: 3.97(unwieghted)
Rank: top 10%(we don't get any more specific ranks)
AP: none, I couldn't take any. I'll talk about them later.</p>

<p>Essays: good but not excellent, getting better(hopefully)
ECs: Not dazzling or many but well balanced</p>

<p>Other factors: My brother's a Princeton undergraduate and I've got several national competition awards(math and science)</p>

<p>School: Best in Korea(although some schools might not agree). 50 students are going abroad. the average SAT I is over 1500. 1 got into Princeton ED, 2 Harvard, 2 Yale, 2 Duke, 1 Penn etc.
Other stuff about myself: I started to get ready for a school in the states exactly a year ago. Before then I never touched an English book since third grade(when I came back from America to Korea). I took a PSAT the day after I started and the scores were pretty ugly. I can't remember the exact scores but the PSAT to SAT I was about 1200 and the PSAT to Writing was like 600 or lower. My school doesn't have AP courses and I had enough trouble studying my SATs so I couldn't take any APs. And I didn't have time to do that many ECs either. Princeton says(according to my counselor) that they deferred me because they weren't sure about my abilities because I've only studied for a year now.</p>

<p>Could you give me your comments?? and I need a safety school or two and drop a couple of the schools I mentioned so could anyone give me advise on that?</p>