Please chance me at various ucs? : )

<p>Hey I’m from California and I’m hoping to major in English. Could you please chance me at the following schools?
UC Berkeley
UC Davis
UC Santa Cruz
SATs: 2120 (700-m, 720-cr, 700-w) and i’m retaking in may and might do
better but probably not by a huge amount
SAT subject: World History-720 bio-620 and i’m taking lit and spanish in june
Extracurriculars: Soccer, Environmental Club, Hamiltonians (a history club sort of), Usherettes (It’s a school community service organization and i’m secretary if that counts for anything), Humanitarian club, I’ve volunteered at the library, at a camp for little kids and am starting at a preschool for homeless children. I’m in NHS and CSF and will have a community service award but aside from that not so much…
I’m half mexican and half italian
I’ve taken 3 AP classes so far: World History, Environmental Science, and US History and I have taken one college class over the summer, biology
top 10%
Next year I’m taking
Calc (a college class offered on campus)
AP English
AP Gov/Econ
AP Spanish
Psychology at city college?
Thanks so much!</p>

<p>Where's gpa, or am I blind?</p>

<p>You might not want to go to SD or Davis for English/humanities-wise...</p>

<p>It may be wiser to shoot for the top two, or UCSB/UCI/UCSC/UCR, which all have good English programs (especially UCSB's Creative Writing)</p>

<p>Oh sorry, GPA is a 3.8 unweighted, and I think it's about a 4.1 weighted
I would go to UCSB, but it's closer to home than I'd like and I don't really like riverside's location, so I guess that leaves me with Santa Cruz!</p>

<p>UCD has an excellent English dept. with very distinguished faculty.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>