<p>Ok! So I have overcome my nature as a procrastinator and indecisive person and narrowed my college list down 9 private schools and 4 public schools (all use same app so that's basically like one application). I want to major in english. Before I apply I want to make sure my list looks okay. chances por favor?
GPA: 3.83? UW 4.5 W 4.2 UC GPA
SATs: 2200 superscore 2130 for UCs
Basically ECs are:
-Environmental Club: President this year, joined last year
-Storyteller (preschool for underprivilidged): I love love this and I volunteer 4-6 hours a week
-Soccer (not recruitable or anything)
-Usherettes: volunteers for school events etc.
-Built a house in Mexico
this year my classes are:
Stats (college class, not Ap cuz we don't offer it)
AP Econ
AP Spanish
AP English
AP Government
Sociology at cc one night a week</p>
<p>ok so if you're still with me...
the schools are:</p>
Connecticut College
UC: Berkeley, LA, Davis, and Santa Cruz.
thanks ever so much!</p>