so before I leap into this whole admissions thing...

<p>Ok! So I have overcome my nature as a procrastinator and indecisive person and narrowed my college list down 9 private schools and 4 public schools (all use same app so that's basically like one application). I want to major in english. Before I apply I want to make sure my list looks okay. chances por favor?
GPA: 3.83? UW 4.5 W 4.2 UC GPA
SATs: 2200 superscore 2130 for UCs
Basically ECs are:
-Environmental Club: President this year, joined last year
-Storyteller (preschool for underprivilidged): I love love this and I volunteer 4-6 hours a week
-Soccer (not recruitable or anything)
-Usherettes: volunteers for school events etc.
-Built a house in Mexico
this year my classes are:
Stats (college class, not Ap cuz we don't offer it)
AP Econ
AP Spanish
AP English
AP Government
Sociology at cc one night a week</p>

<p>ok so if you're still with me...
the schools are:</p>

Connecticut College
UC: Berkeley, LA, Davis, and Santa Cruz.
thanks ever so much!</p>

<p>ok i forgot subject and ap tests:
AP: World history-4
Env. Science-4
US history-5
subject tests: lit-770 bio-620 world history-720
most of my schools only want 2 subject tests</p>

<p>nice list of schools.
are you male or female? i assume you live in Cali?</p>

<p>EC's are weak (your only leadership shows no long term commitment if you just joined last year). That's going to hurt your chances at private schools and therefore I'd say that Pomona will be a reach.</p>

Davis/Santa Cruz~Safety</p>

<p>i'm a female from california.
could anyone maybe chance me on some of the other private schools?
i'm also multiracial. half mexican/half white if that helps at all</p>

<p>any thoughts?</p>

<p>[edit] Hey Samies,</p>

<p>I don't have much experience when it comes to undergrad, but I have talked to adcom from MIT, Harvard, UC Irvine, and others when we all applied for graduate school. Honestly, what you have listed in your resume is fine. Yeah, it would have been great if you won CIF Soccer or something or if you built an entire neighborhood every summer. But you didn't, and there's nothing wrong with that. I think the "score" part of your application is sufficient. </p>

<p>The problem is, brainy high scorers tend to rely on their scores sometime when the scores don't matter all that much to adcom (this is assuming you are hitting somewhere in the range of the other scores, meaning if the range of an SAT score is like 2000-2200, a 2100 will do the trick easily. If you get a perfect score, then we're talking something else). </p>

<p>Your story will become evermore important. Through interviews, recommendations, and especially your essays, make sure they can see the real "Samies." Make sure they see a thoughtful, bright, and committed student. </p>

<p>In end, you'll get into reach schools, maybe get rejected to a safety school, but you'll find the statistics will pan out pretty nicely. </p>

<p>Even worse, what if people "chanced" you as being completely screwed? You can't go back and change anything now can you? Just concentrate on moving forward and you'll do fine.</p>

<p>I just took a closer look and it says you love Storyteller. I don't know what this is, but if you love love it, it may turn out to be a compelling piece to write about. Don't worry about subject, make sure you write it well and really mean what you write and it will come through in a unique fashion.</p>

<p>wow, good advice Ikao! :)</p>

<p>Tufts Pomona - reaches; Oberlin Vassar low reaches</p>

<p>Berkeley: high match (maybe slight reach)
UCLA: match
UCD/UCSC: safety</p>

<p>Your GPA is about average; your ECs are slightly weak, though your SAT score is good.</p>