Please chance me for Engineering?

<p>I am a Junior btw. Thanks!</p>

3.93 UW
4.56 W (Will go up DRASTICALLY)</p>

<p>ACT- 32</p>

<p>SAT- Around 2100</p>

<p><strong><em>I'm putting my average expected score to be safe and just in case something bad happens.</em></strong></p>

<p>I'm taking 4 APs this year. AP Calc AB, APUSH, AP English III, AP World History. I will take I think AP Physics, AP Chemistry, AP Statistics, AP Literature and Composition, and possibly AP Euro senior year (I might change my mind or not get a desired class)</p>

<p>EC's and volunteer hours (All have potential officer positions, and the list will expand.</p>

<p>•Math Club,
•Science Club,
•Science Olympiad (1st place at regionals, top qualifying team at state),
•Robotics Team
•Key Club
•NC State Math Competition (Honorable mention at regionals, went to state),
•National Honors Society
•Cross Country
•Indoor Track and Field (Valuable distance runner)
•Outdoor Track and Field (Valuable distance runner)
•NC Chamber Choir,
•Church Choir,
•Mixed Choir,
•Youth Praise Band (Singer),
•Volunteer with Children's Choir at church,
•Volunteer to feed homeless at church,
•Volunteer annually for Operation Christmas Child,
•Miscellaneous volunteer hours at church and school (I dont have a number of hours set in stone yet)
•I will be getting a summer job too.</p>

<p>I am a white female from NC (Just in case that plays a role)</p>

<p>Can I please have my chances???. Thanks!</p>

<p>I would say you have an excellent chance… my son is a freshman in Engineering at VT from OOS, and I believe he thinks he has died and gone to Hokie heaven. What a great place! Good luck to you!!!</p>