Please chance Me! for Florida

<p>Please give an honest opinion!
Unweighted GPA - 4.0
Weighted GPA - 4.52
Freshmen Year:
Integ sci 1
Eng hon 1
AP Human Geo
Spanish 2
culinary 1
Eng 2
World His hon
spanish 3
bio 1 hon
alg 2 hon
culinary 2
law/driver ed
Junior year:
ap us his
ap psych
eng hon3
span 4
chem 1 hon
cul 3
Senior year:
ap calc ab
ap euro
phys 1 hon
eng hon 4</p>

<p>Dual enrollment:

<p>EC: Captain of swim team: 12, member: 9,10,11
NHS - 11, 12
Rho Kappa - 11, 12
Wrestling - 9,10</p>

<p>Comm serv:
Fit and Fun - partner to spec. needs child
ESR - Summer school volunteering </p>

<p>Essay: Pretty well on writing it
ACT: 31
All A's
University of Florida?!</p>

<p>Bump! someone please reply</p>

<p>Your in … basically no doubt</p>

<p>Show off. You’ll be perfectly fine</p>

<p>Thank you guys!
Any more opinions?! Ill bump back thanks!</p>

<p>No doubt for acceptance! Are you a florida resident?</p>

<p>Yes! . .</p>

<p>Bump! any more opinions?</p>

<p>I would say 99.9% chance in? but Florida sometimes surprises people…so I have heard. Good Luck…that is where I want to go…chance me</p>

<p>Bump . . . . !</p>

<p>I think you’re good</p>

<p>you should be a good for UF imo, i couldn’t see a deny :slight_smile: Good luck!</p>