Please Chance me for RD LAC/Ivy League Applications!

Wow, congrats!! I have enjoyed following your journey so far and who knows, maybe we’ll end up at the same school!

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A good problem to have :partying_face:

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YESSS!!! That is incredible! One of the top LACs in the country.

Would that be your first choice? To me, it would seem to really have the best of both worlds. You have a tippy-top LAC, right next to a very good large flagship state U, so you can pretty much find any classes you want, and you can also take classes at Mt. Holyoke and Smith and Hampshire, if you want, although they’re a short bus ride away.

And who knows? You might get some good new on Ivy reply day.


Yeah I’m waiting on declaring top choices until the end! Still have 5 pending decisions, all from awesome schools!

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Well I certainly exceeded my expectations lol


I am following your journey and I am so happy for you!!!
Congratulations!!! <3

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I think you have a good shot at getting into Vassar, and maybe NYU, too. Those Ivies? We can only hope for you.


Thank you!!! :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

Yes we can only hope haha! Amherst feels Ivy-like enough for now!

Amherst is so amazing.


In case anyone’s wondering, here’s where I’m at in terms of college selection so far (disclaimer - not very far yet!):

Top of the pool: Amherst, Colby, Middlebury, Sarah Lawrence
Still in the pool: Bates and Oberlin
Bottom/Out of the pool: Conn College, McGill, and USM

No absolute decisions have been made yet (except officially declining McGill’s offer)!

WLed at NYU, not surprised! They, like every other very selective school, got uber competitive this year, and I doubt I would end up choosing it over my other current options! Going to reject my WL offer so that others have a better chance :sparkling_heart:


Got into Vassar!!


I know you were very interested in attending Vassar, so you should be happy!

But would you want it more than Amherst/Colby/Middlebury/Sarah Lawrence?

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Hard to say now!! Gonna wait until Ivy Day, take a few days to process everything, and start my research!!


Ivy Day results: 2 waitlists (Brown and Harvard) and 1 reject (freaking Yale). VERY pleasantly surprised!

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Doesn’t matter. You’ve got some GREAT choices.

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Fudging YALE. “What happened to the monumental bridge of trust we established? Anywayyy, I’m not paying for the damages since you’re the one who broke that bridge :innocent:”, exclaimed PerformingDude.

At least the other two knew that you were hot stuff

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Yessir!! :purple_heart:

Who needs Yale–Bulldogs drool, Mastodons rule :wink: (Posted by a mom who was dinged at Harvard and Brown back in the day and has her tongue firmly planted in her check.)