Please chance me for UCs

UC GPA: 4.13 weighted, 3.8 unweighted
SAT: 2200 (Critical Reading: 660, Math: 800, Writing: 740)
SAT II: Math Level 2 - 800
AP Scores: APUSH - 4

EC’s: Nothing meaningful
Work Experience: Paid job/internship at a small computer systems company in junior year summer.

I applied to all the UCs except for Merced and Riverside and I’m wondering which schools I can be pretty certain about getting into. Thanks for taking the time to read this!

UCLA/UCB: high match/low reach
UCSD: match/high match. Decent chances
Below UCSD: matches/safeties

Are you in state for the UCs if so I think you’ve got a good shot at most if not all with UCB and UCLA being harder than the rest but assuming you are in state I think you could get into both. Best of luck!
Chance back?