<p>I am currently a junior:</p>
<p>9th grade average: B+
10th grade average:A-
11th grade average: A-</p>
<p>I have a gold in my states math fair.
I have attended the Ross Mathematics Program at Ohio State University
NYU math circle
WOOT online olympiad training.
Prospective participant in Intel Science Talent Search (See below)
ACT 32 (If i need to, I can probably bring it up)
Will get good teacher recommendations.
My school normally gets some good connections, but not guaranteed.</p>
<p>I am the leader of two clubs at my school, the TSA Engineering Team and the Math Club. I also lead my schools math team that participates in the Mandelbrot Team Play competition. Additionally, my friend and I recently started a Technology Committee at our school with the main purpose of assessing the ways our school uses technology and other internet services. For example, my friend and I are responsible for introducing the use of IPads for all students at my school.</p>
<p>I also tutor kids weekly for math at a local boys and girls club. My work with the kids have produced great results and i am expecting a good letter of recommendation from the boys and girls club.</p>
<p>I also applied to this research program at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, CoSBBI. This is a biomedical engineering program and it has free tuition, so it should look good on my application. (Please tell me if this program sounds good). From this program I hope to make a good research project for Intel STS. </p>
<p>Please give honest advice, </p>