<p>I am currently a junior:</p>
<p>9th grade average: B+
10th grade average:A-
11th grade average: A-</p>
<p>I have a gold in my states math fair.
I have attended the Ross Mathematics Program at Ohio State University
NYU math circle
WOOT online olympiad training.
Prospective participant in Intel Science Talent Search
SAT should be above 2250.
Will get good teacher recommendations.
My school normally gets some good connections, but not guaranteed.</p>
<p>I am the leader of two clubs at my school, the TSA Engineering Team and the Math Club. I also lead my schools math team that participates in the Mandelbrot Team Play competition. Additionally, my friend and I recently started a Technology Committee at our school with the main purpose of assessing the ways our school uses technology and other internet services. For example, my friend and I are responsible for introducing the use of IPads for all students at my school.</p>
<p>I also tutor kids weekly for math.</p>
<p>I have also applied to the Simons program.</p>