Please chance me I am quite stressed out...

<p>Chance a super stressed out rising senior please!
I just dislocated my elbow so please excuse some spelling errors that i miss because I am typing with my left hand only.</p>

<p>-Weighted GPA: 3.9 (expecting increase to 4.0 due to arrangements made with teachers regarding improvement)
-Unweighted GPA: 3.46 (expecting increase to 3.5 due to arrangements made with teachers regarding improvement)
- UC GPA: 3.78 (Expecting increase)
-SAT: 2130 (640CR, 790M, 700W(10 essay) )
SAT II's 620 US History and 620 Spanish w/o listening (will retake US history and take Math II
- Taking ACT in Sept
-Took the following AP/Advanced Courses:AP U.S. History: 3, AP Spanish IV: 3
-Senior Schedule:
AP Calc BC
AP Physics C
AP Gov/Econ
AP Art/Design
Normal English
CS class at Community College</p>

<p>AP's/Honors(a-g): 9 (fresh to present) 6 (soph to present)</p>

-Key Club (2 Years)
-Haiti Solidarity Club (2 years)
-Vecinos Club (Helping Day Workers center) (2 Years)
-Walden West Science Camp Counselor
- National Honors Society Member (1 Year)
- Tutored Kids in China in English
- CSF member since Sophmore Year
- Volunteered at Jr Olympics
- Over 300+ hours of Community/Volunteer hours (Key club, Vecinos Club, Jr Olympics Volunteer, Walden West, Haiti Solidarity Club)</p>

1 year Track JV (Went to leagues)
2 Year (soon to be 3) Varsity Lacrosse (Made it to playoffs)</p>

Babysitting (4 Years)
Team Leader at Camp Galileo Palo Alto Site (45 hours a week, 6 weeks total) (Summer)</p>

<p>Personal Info:
California Resident
Income ~ 90,000
Financial Aid: Yes</p>

- How my best friend was on the verge of suicide and how that severely distracted me from my studies sophmore year
- Maybe writing about how helping kids during sophmore year - present has opened up my perspective on the true importance of education</p>

<p>Upwards GPA Trend: UW
3.00 Fall Soph
3.42 Spring Soph
3.5 Fall JR (might change to 3.83)
4.0 Spring JR</p>

<p>Thank you!! :] Im really stressed out...</p>

<p>Don’t write about a friend’s suicide. 1. It sounds like an excuse. 2. This is about you. 3. Avoid the four Ds: death, depression, drugs, and divorce. Other than that, you sound like a solid candidate.</p>

<p>I’d also add that you should apply early action. Last year ED/EA had an acceptance rate in the low 30% range. Regular decision acceptance was below 15%. If you apply EA, don’t read anything into it if they email you and ask if you’d like to switch to ED. It doesn’t mean that they will accept you! They send it to tons of applicants.</p>

<p>Ya I’ve debated that and just recently decided that I’m going to have my counselor mention the suicide and other hardships I’ve faced (having my mom marry and divorce 3 times in my life and having very mixed up emotions about the whole ordeal) in a letter of rec instead of putting it in my personal statement/essay. Is that a better idea? or should I just leave it out totally. Thank you guys for the input!</p>