<p>I am aware that Universities take a very holistic approach when deciding whether or not to accept an individual. Regardless, I would like to see where the college confidential community thinks I stand. I am a female Indian Maryland resident. Please chance me please.
Thank you.</p>
<p>UGPA: 3.95
WGPA: 4.7
Rigorous courseload, honors and AP classes. (AP NSL, AP Chem, AP Lang, AP Calc, AP World Junior yr, AP Bio, AP Psych, AP Calc BC, AP Lit Senior yr)</p>
<p>Community Service Hours: 650</p>
<p>SAT (CR, M, W, E)
First: 2030 (750, 710, 570, 7)
Second: 2100 (700, 740, 660, 8)
Super Score: 2150</p>
<p>Extra Curricular Activities:
<p>Key Club
President (12th)
Vice President (11th)
Editor (10th)
Member (9th)</p>
<p>Hope Club
President (12th)
Vice President (11th)
Secretary (10th)
Member (9th)</p>
<p>Amnesty International
Vice President/Co-Founder (12th)</p>
<p>National Honors Society
Member (10th-12th)</p>
<p>National English Honors Society
Treasurer (11th)
Member (10th-12th)</p>
<p>National Science Honors Society
Member (10th-12th)</p>
<p>National Math Honors Society
Member (12th)</p>
<p>National Social Studies Honors Society
Member (12th)</p>
<p>National Piano Playing Auditions
Preparatory for Collegiate Class (Highest Rank)</p>
<p>Summer Reading Program (+50 Hours)
I was a director of the summer reading program at the local library. I fostered and promoted literacy in elementary school children.</p>
<p>My main concern is that I was a part of basically every honors society and I am proud of myself for accomplishing this feat. It really bolsters my personal confidence that I have fulfilled my academic endeavors. However, my main passion is community service (and music), something that is of personal importance. Therefore, I channeled most of my efforts into service organizations like Key Club where I could do something of real social value. I was wondering if colleges would see my passion or inquiry why I did not pursue more of an active role in my various honors societies.</p>