Please chance me-I'm not perfect!

<p>I am aware that Universities take a very holistic approach when deciding whether or not to accept an individual. Regardless, I would like to see where the college confidential community thinks I stand. I am a female Indian Maryland resident. Please chance me please.
Thank you.</p>

<p>UGPA: 3.95
WGPA: 4.7
Rigorous courseload, honors and AP classes. (AP NSL, AP Chem, AP Lang, AP Calc, AP World Junior yr, AP Bio, AP Psych, AP Calc BC, AP Lit Senior yr)</p>

<p>Community Service Hours: 650</p>

<p>SAT (CR, M, W, E)
First: 2030 (750, 710, 570, 7)
Second: 2100 (700, 740, 660, 8)
Super Score: 2150</p>

<p>Extra Curricular Activities:

<p>Key Club
President (12th)
Vice President (11th)
Editor (10th)
Member (9th)</p>

<p>Hope Club
President (12th)
Vice President (11th)
Secretary (10th)
Member (9th)</p>

<p>Amnesty International
Vice President/Co-Founder (12th)</p>

<p>National Honors Society
Member (10th-12th)</p>

<p>National English Honors Society
Treasurer (11th)
Member (10th-12th)</p>

<p>National Science Honors Society
Member (10th-12th)</p>

<p>National Math Honors Society
Member (12th)</p>

<p>National Social Studies Honors Society
Member (12th)</p>

<p>National Piano Playing Auditions
Preparatory for Collegiate Class (Highest Rank)</p>

<p>Summer Reading Program (+50 Hours)
I was a director of the summer reading program at the local library. I fostered and promoted literacy in elementary school children.</p>

<p>My main concern is that I was a part of basically every honors society and I am proud of myself for accomplishing this feat. It really bolsters my personal confidence that I have fulfilled my academic endeavors. However, my main passion is community service (and music), something that is of personal importance. Therefore, I channeled most of my efforts into service organizations like Key Club where I could do something of real social value. I was wondering if colleges would see my passion or inquiry why I did not pursue more of an active role in my various honors societies.</p>

<p>Is that gpa weighted or unweighted?</p>

<p>Unweighted. Weighted is a 4.7</p>

<p>“My main concern is that I was a part of basically every honors society and I am proud of myself for accomplishing this feat. It really bolsters my personal confidence that I have fulfilled my academic endeavors. However, my main passion is community service (and music), something that is of personal importance. Therefore, I channeled most of my efforts into service organizations like Key Club where I could do something of real social value. I was wondering if colleges would see my passion or inquiry why I did not pursue more of an active role in my various honors societies.”</p>

<p>To answer this concern, you can show your passion for community service in your essays. You have 3 essays for Michigan, and I think this would be a great topic for the “Community” essay or even for your personal essay. If you do this, you’ll show the admissions people that this is truly your passion and you focused on this more than anything else in your high school career. As for your honor societies, listing everything won’t hurt at all. It’s very amiable that you’ve been accepted into every honor society in your school, a unique accomplishment for sure. Just make sure you’re honest with the amount of time each honor society takes when you list it on the common app. If you had one 2 hour meeting a month, say that it only was .5 hours a week of your time, while if you volunteered for 15 hours a week, that is obviously what you are more focused on. Exaggerating the amount of time you put into an activity is playing with fire. As long as you’re honest, being in all those honor societies will really boost your chances of getting into anywhere.</p>

<p>As for your chances, I’d say you’ve got a good shot. Your test scores are above average, and your GPA is about average. Your extracurriculars are very good. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I also think you have a pretty decent chance. And actually it is your GPA that is above average. I think your SAT is about average since you are OOS.</p>

<p>Lol, why does your school have so many honors societies?</p>