Please chance me!!! (Northeastern, BU, Brandeis, UVM)

Im worried about not getting into some of these schools so i thought i would ask some people and get their opinions/ advice!
I havent gotten my June SAT scores back yet, which was the first SAT that I took, so I’ll have it added onto here as soon as I know, but it would be great if you could judge my chances of getting into this school without my sat scores (but if you need an estimation, it will probably be around a 1230, something which i will certainly improve on in the future!)
These are the schools that I am considering applying to, in order from my reach schools to safety schools, and the ones with the * next to them being the schools that I really want to get into!
Northeastern University*
Boston University*
Boston College
Brandeis University*
University of Vermont*
Umass Amherst
Suffolk University
Emmanuel College
Salve Regina University
University of Rhode Island
Umass Lowell
If this helps, both of my parents went to UVM and my cousin currently goes there, and we have some connections in the school, so, I have no idea if that boosts my chances of getting in. My grandfather went to Northeastern, and my uncle went to BC, with another cousin currently attending.
Also I want to major in history and I am really good at writing!

So I guess I’ll list out my stats, awards, and everything! If I’m forgetting anything please let me know and I will be sure to tell you! Some info that also might be helpful about me is that i want to major in history and perhaps add on journalism and make that a double major, and i am really good at writing!
GPA: unweighted 3.63, weighted 3.93 (but 4.1 for junior year)
Class rank: we technically don’t have class ranks at my school but i know I’m at least in the top 23rd percent of my class.
Classes: Freshman year i took 2 Honors (bio and history), with the rest cp. I got Honors and had all As except for 2 Bs.
sophomore year, took 2 honors (history and lit) which I did really well in (I got a 99 in honors history) and the rest were cp. again, i got Honors, had all As except for 2 Bs.
junior year. I took apush (5 on ap exam) and ap Lang (4 on ap exam), with the rest of my classes were cp. I got Honors again, and I only got one B, with the rest of my grades being A’s. One thing to note is that i did move up a level for my algebra class a couple weeks into the school year, and even though i didn’t get as good of a grade as i would in the easier class, it was a more rigirous and challenging course! I got A’s in both of my ap classes! I improved my at least one letter level (A- vs A) in most of my classes and this year was the most academically challenging but successful year of high school.
Senior year: I’m taking 3 APs (gov, lit, and 2-D studio art) and one Honors with the rest of my classes CP.
extracurriculars: I ran cross country for 3 years and i am doing it senior year (so technically 4 years), I played tennis for 3 years (I moved up in the rankings for my team and played varsity my junior year) and I am planning on playing senior year as well (so again 4 years). I am part of a volunteering club at my school, and i am part of the National Art Honors Society for 3 years and the National Honors Society.
Awards: I was picked junior year for the excellence in education award, which is given to only 4 students out of my entire grade (which has around 200 students) for excellence during sophomore year. I also have won academic awards in Algebra I and Photography I.
Volunteering: I have over 70 hours of community service. One of my consistent volunteering services is giving tours at a local museum and helping with events. I also have done other events to give back to the community such as the Salvation Army and helping with children during different events. I am going to start volunteering once a week at a barn to help with the horses and with kids camps.
I believe that is everything I think is on the application and stuff other than my SAT (sorry that isn’t available but I’ll put it in here as soon as I know It!) thank you so so much to anyone who read up to this point, and I look forward to hearing what you all think!! Any reccomendations/advice would be much appreciated :slight_smile:

hamiltonfan1780 - Awaiting your SAT score update; however, I have a few questions to help flesh out your choices. First, have you addressed how to finance your undergrad years? Have you run the tuition calculator for each of your college choices? For example, UVM has one of the highest OOS tuitions (not sure if being a legacy there matters much). What are your career plans with a history or journalism degree? What is your ROI (return on investment) projection for each school? Boston College is a fine institution, but if one majors in history and enters the teaching profession, will that end up being an unwise choice assuming a mountain of debt you might be staring at? Note - the ability to write, as aptly demonstrated on the APUSH and Language/Comp. exams, is something that will serve you well in a number of professions.

Your choices are exclusively in New England - would you be willing to travel a bit further in the Northeast? For example, Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania is an American history major’s dream (not sure if it’s a realistic match without knowing your SAT score). When I see UMASS Lowell on the list, I think engineering not history. Have you investigated the strength of the history dept there? at your other choices? The overall reputation of a school doesn’t translate to it being strong in all disciplines.

Have you visited each of these schools? What is the common denominator behind your college list? I was at Brandeis with youngest D a few days ago and came away with quite a favorable impression. Nice suburban campus with easy access to Boston and strong in STEM. Each school has a unique vibe - UVM is in a cool college town (I attended St. Michaels as an undergrad and have fond memories of Burlington), but BU is in the heart of busy Boston. Do you want a big research university? small LAC? suburban, urban, rural setting? What’s the attraction of the schools with an asterisk next to them? College fit is a combination of academic (when you get your SAT score run your possibilities through Naviance if you have it at your school or go to CAPPEX and plug in your data), social (do you picture yourself being comfortable there for 4 years?), and financial (can you/your parents afford to attend a school?)