Please chance me :)

<p>I 'm a junior at a large public school in a suburban town in Florida. I'm probably in the top 10% in my class but rankings haven't come out yet. I've just realized I really haven't done that much in comparison with other people as far as extra curriculars and my GPA isn't amazing. I wanted to go to a NYU, BU or UM with UF as a safety but my counselor seems to think I could get into Barnard or UPenn. Is that even possible?</p>

<p>GPA: 3.75 (unweighted), 4.6 (weighted, will probably be about 5.0 by senior year)
SAT: 1400, cumulative 2040 (without a tutor or studying so I'll probably retake it)
APs:Euro (5), French (3), US History (probably 4/5), Psychology (probably 5), Biology (probably 5), English Language (probably 4)
Senior Year APs: English Literature, Physics B, Calculus BC, US Government and US Macroeconomics</p>

<p>Extra-curriculars/ achievements:
* Soccer for 3 years
* Coaching a elementary soccer team for about a year (2 years next year)
* Math Team Competitor
* Italian NHS (probably will be president next year)
* My own community service project where I present to high schools and middle schools about body image and self confidence
* Various community service projects like fund raisers, etc
* won best language student in the school
*awarded a prestigious internship to do research for the summer</p>

<p>My essays will most likely be pretty good with good recommendations. Am I doing enough or should I do more? Because I want to get into these schools but I also need money to some of them because my parents aren't paying a lot and I'm not low income.
Thanks for the help!!</p>

<p>I think you have excellent chances at BU, NYU, UM (Miami?) and UF. Penn will be tougher. Not sure on Barnard. Best of luck!</p>

<p>I don’t think you will get into Penn. Your gpa is low. Your scores are low. And you don’t have varied XC. You should work on improving your GPA, unweighted, and your SAT scores. Also take some SAT2s. Lastly, don’t give up, you can do it. You should apply because you never know what will happen. Also take what your guidance counselor says with a grain of salt. My counselor told a kid with a 3.9 gpa with a 2400 that he was a sure shot at all the Ivies. He was rejected at all of them and is going to UC Berkeley, which is by no means bad! Just take everything into perspective. If you do the above things, your chances of getting into Penn will go exponentially higher</p>