<p>Hey guys, I'm a rising senior and i go to a public school in PA. I am asian, and first generation here in america and first in my family to go to college. </p>
<p>Freshmen year:
Honors Algebra II
Honors Environmental Science
Honors French II
Honors Geometry
Honors Global Study
Honors English</p>
<p>Sophomore year:
Honors American Experience
Honors Biology
Honors French III
Honors English
Honors Pre Calc/Trig
AP Computer Science</p>
<p>Junior Year:
Honors Chemistry
Honors Physics
Honors French IV
AP Language and Composition
AP Statistics
AP US History</p>
<p>This coming year I'm taking
AP Calc AB
AP Physics C
AP Chemistry
AP Micro and Macro Economics
AP French
AP English Lit</p>
<p>I was in the following clubs for the past three years:
Chess, FBLA (I placed in the regional competition fresh and soph year), Model UN (President junior year), Team Assist (help teachers with technology) and I competed in National History day (placed all three years). I also help run a chess club at the local library and i teach little kids how to play chess. I also work a 15 hour a week job soph and junior year.</p>
<p>GPA Cumulative unweighted: 3.3211 and rank 42/323
Sat scores: 1730 (i will be retaking in the fall, took it twice and had to use the bathroom really really bad and two times.) :( </p>
<p>I will be applying ED. What are my chances? Thanks everyone in advance :)</p>
<p>You’d really need to bring that SAT up by at least 150- 200 points, so take some Pepto Bismol before the next SAT.</p>
<p>williamlin: (1) Try to get all As in the 1st semester of your senior year, & make sure GW gets those grades early; and (2) as to your SATs, I used to have the same problem. I got so darn nervous, I’d be running to the bathroom the 1st 2 times I took the SATs, until someone told me to control my fluid (orange juice, water, etc.) intake at breakfast, and allow at least 1 hour between breakfast and the test. These simple tips worked well for me on my 3rd SATs. Best wishes to you!</p>
<p>getting into gw, or any selective college, with a 1730 will be extremely difficult but not impossible. retake, or try the ACT.</p>
<p>Thanks guys! My superscore is a 1770, I do plan to get around a 1900-2000. If i do raise my SAT score to that range, do i have a good shot at ED? Like is my GPA and class rank good enough?</p>
<p>Your SAT scores and unweighted GPA are particularly low that means that you will have to balance those scores via other means, such as essays, extracurriculars, etc.</p>
<p>well doesn’t the class rank and course load balance the GPA out?</p>
<p>Class rank is really not important because different schools use different grading scales. You need to show that you are taking the most difficult classes your school offers and then get good grades in them. If you do your gpa will go up. I know GW wants the whole package…not just someone strong in academics but strong all over. If you can set up an interview. It could make all the difference in the world.</p>
<p>But class rank shows where you stand among your school peers, regardless of the grading scale. GW considers it “important.”
<a href=“College Search - BigFuture | College Board”>College Search - BigFuture | College Board;
<p>But this poster’s rank is fine for GW- top 13% is just fine.</p>
<p>And he won’t have time to do anything about his gpa- he’s applying early.</p>
<p>well first quarter grades come out a week before the nov 15 deadline for ED. given what i have now, excluding my SAT, do i have a good shot at ED?</p>
<p>Truthfully, it’s hard to say- your GPA is lowish, but your rank is good- is your school super competitive? And does your school recalculate your GPA after the first quarter? Definitely, your best shot would be ED.</p>
<p>Well my public high school, Penncrest, is named in the top 25 in the philadelphia area and 40th in the state. classes like health and gym are not calculated into GPA. Only core classes are. If i am applying ED, my school will not recalculate GPA, they will only send freshmen to junior year cumulative GPA to the colleges. Also my GPA has gone down year after year
due to the heavier course load. But my school will send first quarter reports to GW if i decide to apply ED. My plan was to either get into American or GW and maybe transfer into Georgetown. </p>
<p>Thanks everyone in advance!</p>
<p>i recommend telling them how you hope to transfer into georgetown when you write your essay. they like to know your long term plans.</p>
<p>GWAlum, you crack me up. Excellent advice.</p>
<p>williamlin: For the entering class of 2011, the average SAT for GW is 2020, while the average SAT for Georgetown is 2050. </p>
<p>You have about 300 points in your SATs to make up for either school. </p>
<p>This plus your very low GPA (my S1 did not make it a few years ago with a 3.8 with plenty of APs with much higher SATs), your chances, in my opinion, are very slim in making it to GW.</p>
<p>Did some guidance counselor tell you to do it this way? From what I’ve read here in the past few years, a lot of kids have been told by their GCs that GW is a safety. Those kids are shocked and dismayed when decisions come out- take a look at the admissions thread from late March.</p>
<p>what do you mean schmohawk? Also it’s between american and gw… I just want to get into a DC area school</p>
<p>lol thank you schmohawk.</p>