<p>I know these threads are a dime a dozen but please indulge me so I know whether to get my hopes up or not.</p>
<p>Colleges: Duke, Columbia(coach is on admissions), NYU, Notre Dame, Penn State</p>
<p>Name: Dan
Race: Caucasian
Chem: B+
English: B
Global: B
Latin 2: B
Math9: B+
Science Scholars: A-</p>
AP BIO: B+ with a 5 on the AP
Enhlish: B
Global 2: A
Latin Honors: B
Math 10: A-
Sci Scholars: A-</p>
US History: B+
AP chem: C with a 4 on the AP
Brit Lit: A-
Art: A
French: A
Math 11: B</p>
Advanced Senior Seminar (writing/english)
AP physics
Law and Gov
Math 12</p>
Reading: 650
Math: 600
Total: 1880 (I'm retaking them in October after preparing for them this time)
I fence alot, but not in school so I'm not sure if it qualifies as an EC. Regardless, I've placed in the top 3 in under 21 and division 1 categories which has allowed me to compete at the World Championships twice with decent results. Also, I've spoken to the coaches at the schools I want to get into and they said that I'm their number one recruit but they can't guarantee anything. The best they can do is to push admissions to let me in.</p>
<p>Side note:
I was diagnosed with chronic angioedema that forced me to miss 45 days of school last year when it reached its peak (which explains my C in AP chem). Although it was the worst junior year, I was plagued by it since 8th grade.</p>
Columbia(coach is on admissions)-If your connection is as good as you say he is, then match
NYU-slight reach
Notre Dame-match
Penn State-match with financial aid probably</p>
<p>Well, you are obviously an OUTSTANDING fencer if you have been competing at world championship level. Not many kids in this world can do that, hence the world championships. That stand out A LOT, and it heavily favors towards your way.</p>
<p>Well, you may underestimate the potential of your fencing record. People on this site believe it is the norm that applicants will have 4.5W with a 2390. Not so. Most kids that apply to those schools have quality stats, but not of CC quality. The only kids that know about CC are those so hardcore that they post on a college admission forum...So, generally those CC kids have very unrealistic stats coupled with the general pessimistic views on these boards makes for very skewed views.</p>
<p>Well I cannot guarantee anything. This is my opinion. Take it for what you think of it. But I feel that you are qualified for Duke. Just because of the stigma attached to Duke as being hard to get into which it is, doesn't mean that every time you should expect it to be a quantum reach school for you. I feel you are good to get in their.</p>
<p>I think that your philosophy here is to have the students applying believe that they can get in to whatever college is remotely possible in order for them to try harder in their applications. It's very nice of you but some of us want to know if we should get our hopes while we wait for december 15 (Duke ED date) to roll around and see if we actually got accepted.</p>
<p>I apologized if I'm wrong with this theory, but then again it's just a theory.</p>
<p>I like the southern girls and the hot weather. Although I bet UPenn has the girls, I fell in love with the Duke atmosphere when I stayed there with a friend.</p>
<p>To stay on topic, anybody else want to chance me?</p>
<p>Normally I'd say all of those schools are reaches except Penn State. I don't know enough about athletic recruiting at Duke to know what role that will play in admissions. If you haven't already, I recommend you get in touch with the fencing team at Duke and let them know you're interested.</p>
<p>While I do think you stand a very good chance of getting in, I <em>have</em> known schools to reject athletes who were very heavily recruited. Make sure the rest of your application is as good as your fencing record- glowing (but truthful) recommendations, outstanding essays, and a clear match between you and Duke ("Why Duke?") will go a long way in admissions.</p>
So, generally those CC kids have very unrealistic stats coupled with the general pessimistic views on these boards makes for very skewed views.
I strongly disagree. </p>
<p>-The admit rate for those in the top 5-10% was a mere 12.7%.
-17% of the applicant pool consisted of valedictorians. 57% of them were rejected.
-Duke rejected 58% of students scoring 1550+ (out of 1600) on the SAT.
-The only colleges scoring higher on the Critical Reading SAT are Harvard, Princeton, Olin, Wellesley, and Dartmouth. The only colleges scoring higher on the Math SAT are Caltech and Olin. Only Harvard scores higher on the Writing SAT.</p>
<p>Duke- High Reach, 100% Reject unless Athlete, then a reach
Columbia - Reject if not recruited athlete, if recruited then a reach
NYU - Reach
Notre Dame - Reach
Penn State - Match</p>
<p>Do you really mean World Championships, or do you mean World Cups? As you surely know, there is a big difference. If you've really been to two World Championships representing the USA you will be very highly recruited. At that level I would expect Notre Dame and Duke would be matches, with ND probably offering a scholarship.</p>
<p>If you mean World Cups, you'll still be recruited, but not as strongly. The coaches (especially George) should have a very realistic idea of your chances.</p>
<p>If you went to the world championships representing France, Germany, Italy, or another fencing powerhouse that would probably help your credentials, but then as an international applicant I don't know those ramifications.</p>
<p>If you went to the world championships representing a weak fencing country then it wouldn't mean so much.</p>
<p>But you say you have top 3 D1 results, which implies you have fenced at North American Cups, so I assume you are US or Canadian, and there are no US or Canadian world team members named Dan in the last few years that I know of other than Dan Kellner, who is way out of college, so I'm don't know what to think, except that fencing is great and I hope that you go to the best possible school and it all works out well.</p>
<p>Wow, good research. My name isn't Dan though. I've always wanted to have a pseudonym and took the opportunity here since it would be pretty easy for someone to find out exactly who I am. Also, I put d1 so Americans would understand that it would mean the highest level. If I said senior some would think that it's old people.</p>
<p>The memories of Kellner, remember when he lost horribly to that Italian (forgot his name) who watched all those videos of him and got him on the same action for almost the whole bout?</p>