please chance me!

<p>Senior in HS</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.68/4
Weighted GPA: 4.32
In the top 12% of my class. (out of a public school of a little less than 800 students)
Have been taking ALL honors classes and AP classes (4 APs senior year).
Involved in 4 extracurriculars: (as of end of senior year)
-synchronized swimming 4 years
-best buddies 2 years
-Model UN 3 years
-club for social change 2 years
Got 1 smallish award.
Volunteered at the library this summer.
ACT: 33
SAT comp: 2090 (but I am retaking it in the fall, shooting for a 2200-2300)
verbal: 670
math: 740
writing: 680
SAT subject: math-770 lit-710</p>

<p>APs (so far, up to junior year): APUSH-4, Eng lit-5, gov't-5, psych-5</p>

<p>Asian female, speak Russian, 1st gen immigrant</p>

<p>Should I even bother applying?</p>

<p>where are you applying to</p>

<p>Yes, you should bother to apply. The only way you'll find out if you are admissible is if you apply in the first place!</p>

<p>looks like your stats are OK but can you communicate great EC's? Model UN might be a good one to emphasize if you are interested in a major related to that.</p>

<p>not just great EC's.. but also leadership in those great EC's?</p>

<p>You got a 33 on the ACT, of course you will make it in.</p>

<p>What are you interested in majoring in?</p>

<p>country day, that’s totally untrue. cmc rejects 2400s if they don’t have good grades and ECs (especially with leadership) to back it up. OP, you have a shot. definitely apply, but don’t put all your eggs into cmc. there are lots of good lacs with very different admissions standards.</p>