<p>will chance back!!</p>
Penn State
Northwestern (highest reach--i know)
St Joe's (safety)</p>
<p>im a sophmore now
white upper middle class female
competitive public school (nationally ranked) in suburbs of Philly, SE PA</p>
<p>GPA weighted: 4.17--hardest classes available so far
Unweighted: 3.17</p>
<p>previously taken---Latin 1H: A</p>
<p>freshman year:
Bio H: A
African Asian Studies H: A
Latin 2H: B
English 1H: B
Art 9: A
Algebra IIH: C</p>
<p>sophmore year (predicted-95% sure of these):
Chem H: B
Western Civ H: A
English IIH: A
Art I H: A
Latin 3H: B
Trig/ Precal H: C
Creative Writing H: A</p>
<p>junior year--prediction:
AP English Language
AP US History
AP Statistics
Calculus (standard)
Physics H
Spanish 1H (my latin teacher this year is horrendous. literally the worst teacher i've ever had. I'm too far behind to take 4h)
Art 2H</p>
<p>senior year:
AP English Literature
AP Gov
AP Bio
AP Phyics--maybe we'll see how I do in physics
maybe an AP Calc since I'm ahead
IB Pysch SL (elective)/ IB Art SL</p>
<p>yeah so basically I'm done attempting to do Honors math. I just suck at it. I'll have to deal haha. But my teacher this year recommended me for AP stat.</p>
<p>Summer freshman year: Summer School (Chem)--tried and failed to schedule physics into soph year
Summer Soph year: volunteering for a week at physically disabled overnight camp, then either getting a job at office or doing courses at UPENN over the summer or travel and study abroad program (working is guaranteed if not accepted into either program--im applying quite late)
Summer Junior year: same volunteer job, governor's school for art (creative writing) or classes at UPenn
Summer senior year: TBA</p>
<p>EC's (predicted 2 years in some cases):
4 years Varsity swimming (captain for junior and senior year--already decided)
1 year JV Soccer
3 years Varsity XC (captain for junior and senior year--already decided)
1 year JV, 3 years Varsity Crew (won various medals for regatta's throughout. Some local college's have heard about my boat and are interested in scouting/recruiting)
3 years Academic Decathalon (captain for junior and senior year--already decided). we didn't make it to states this year but we should next year and the year after.
3 years student council (officer senior year)
4 years BuildOn (community service club)
2 years volunteer for Red Cross at local Blood donations once a month
--in the process of organizing a club that collects children and teen books and donates them to Children's Hospital Of Philadelphia. My brother has SMA, leaving him crippled and with severely limited use of muscles, and he has had to have countless operations at that hospital. He knows that a book and a letter can really cheer you up. Also in the process of gaining a sponser and the like to start a club at school based off of this concept. We will fundraise, collect books, write letters, and deliver the books at the end of the year. I may use this in my essay when I actually start applying to colleges. Obviously I have just begun the process so I will run it my junior and senior year.
--volunteering at the special overnight camp for physically (some mentally) disabled children also ties into my brother because he loved it and my experience with handling a handicapped person will be valuable to the camp.</p>
<p>-got a 191 on PSAT's this year. these don't even count yet though since im only a sophmore. Top like 96%+ in every category.</p>
<p>--my predicted GPA for all four years is like 4.5 weighted. I am dropping my two most impossible classes so I can focus on the others and bring up all of my grades (honors math to standard--latin to spanish. I cannot handle the teacher--i know I should stick with one language but I will explode if I try.)
That's about it.
Also if you could suggest some appropriate colleges I would really appreciate it since I am a little overwhelmed at the whole process.</p>