<p>Hi everyone!
I'm right in the middle of hearing back from colleges as I've received 6 letters out of 11. I applied to them in the order of easiest to hardest (in my opinion), so my letters so far have been acceptances. I'm starting to make decisions, and it would be helpful to anticipate the responses from the other schools. If you could chance me on the schools I've haven't heard from yet (be brutally honest), it would be very very very helpful!</p>
<p>Here are all of my schools:
Catholic University of America - accepted EA, also to honors college - didn't even apply!
University of San Diego - accepted EA
University of South Carolina - accepted EA
College of Charleston - accepted EA
Northeastern - accepted EA, $12,000/yr scholarship
Providence College - accepted EA
Wake Forest
Trinity College (CT)
College of the Holy Cross
Notre Dame</p>
<p>High School Senior, Female, White, Catholic, from New York
Private High School (does not rank)
GPA: weighted 3.9, unweighted 3.5
AP classes: Government, Biology
College-In-High-School: Physics, Bioinformatics (pilot course via Carnegie Mellon U)
SAT scores: CR 650 M 670 W 740
Extracurriculars: Apprentice with Professional Ballet Company, Spanish club, Campus Ministry, over 400 volunteer hours, Obama campaign intern, NHS, National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine at Georgetown University, job for 3 years
Excellent Essays, Excellent Recommendations </p>
<p>Thanks so much for your time!!</p>