Please chance my scores! and advice me

<p>So I have a few questions that have been plaguing my mind.
First off here are schools I am looking at (ordered from most wanted to least wanted)</p>

<li>UPenn, UChicago, maybe Columbia</li>
<li>UC Berkeley, UCLA, and UCSB</li>

<p>First off I want to major in either Engineering or Economics, both are my passion.
Princeton’s Econ is AMAZING, but is their engineering ok? I know MIT’s engineering is the best, and their econ is ok. So it is really just a trade off between both?</p>

<p>My school offers two ranks on transcript based on two types of GPAs (grades 10-12 and grades 9-12)
Class of 2010
GPA 9th-12th (unweighted): 3.97/4.0
GPA 9th- 12th (weighted): 4.76/5.0</p>

<p>GPA 10th-12th (unweighted): 4.0/4.0
GPA 10th- 12th (weighted): 4.92/5.0</p>

Grades 9 - 12: 5 out of 566, Top .88%
Grades 10-12: 3 out of 566, Top .5%</p>

<p>Which one would I put on my college apps??? Both are legit numbers on transcript, it is not like I created them. Also I hear that some schools don’t emphasize freshman year as much??? cause I got a B+ in freshman year… :’( as indicated by my 3.97…</p>

<p>here are my SAT scores
SATI: CR: 750 Writing:720 Math: 790
I heard that Engineering schools like caltech and MIT don’t emphasize the Writing section as much???
Also I took the ACT in June. Would a score of 35 be better than a 2260? how about a 34?</p>

<p>I took 8 APs total by the end of my junior year. I am pretty sure I am going to get all 5’s on them. But how important are AP scores anyways??? I mean, we don’t send the scores to colleges until we get accepted into them right?</p>

<p>8th grade: (Does this EVEN COUNT?!?!!?!?)
1st place in County Science Fair for Physics
3rd Place in State Science Fair for Electrical </p>

<p>Lastly, so my resume has a lot of science activities, and economics activities. But Princeton is not as much of a science school as MIT. Does that mean accomplishments in science field would not be as appealing to Princeton than MIT???</p>

<p>THANK YOU</p>

<p>bump 10 char</p>

<p>MIT’s econ is one of the best in the nation, so I can’t imagine that it’s much worse than Princeton</p>

<p>go to MIT, if you get accepted (30-40% chance?)</p>

<p>phh…i would’ve gotten 1st at the SB county science fair had they accepted my abstract, which i lost on the way to UCSB</p>

<p>btw i wouldn’t put that on your app if i were you…actually, i don’t think you can (your scifair stuff)</p>

<p>Princeton - Reach, but decent shot
MIT - another decent shot
Harvard - like above
Caltech - like above
Stanford - etc
Yale - etc
UPenn - etc
UChicago - match
Columbia - reach, high chance than those other ivies (columbia engineering)
UC Berkeley, UCLA, and UCSB - matches and safeties</p>


no one cares
adcom dude a: this guy had a B+…let’s reject him cause of that
b: ya, and we’re just gonna disregard everything else
a: also, he sent us a skewed description of his grades

<p>lol, bump 10char</p>