Please give me some insights- Math major schedule

<p>I plan to take these classes in the Fall, and I am still confused if I really need to take Math 74: Transition to upper division math. I'm a transfer student, so I know that the transition from lower div. math to upper div. is a huge step. My friend who majors in physics told me that a lot of students just skip that math 74 class. Do you think transfer students have a big disadvantage when taking upper div. math because they are not used to do intensive proofs at community college? Here are what I plan to take:
1) Math 110: Linear Algebra
2) Math 113: Intro. to Abstract Algebra
3) Math 74: Transition to upper div. math
4) One American Culture course.</p>

<p>I'm a hard-working student, but I don't really know if I can handle the course load at Berkeley. This will be first semester, and is this schedule manageable?
Please give me some advices. Any comment would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>It seems that not many people on college confidential major in math.
<...> sad....</p>

<p>Math 74 is graded P/F, right? It probably can't hurt to take it.</p>