<p>please grade my essay out of six..
and Id be more than happy to recieve feedbacks..</p>
we live in a world that values action over thought. the idea of taking time to reflect and think things through is out of favor our most popular movies and novels focus on action,not reflection,and our most admired public figures are praised for what they do,not for what they think. while there is something to be said for taking action instinctively and without hesitation, the fact is that people too much emphasis on action.</p>
is it a mistake to value action over thought?</p>
whats is the difference betweenrobots and "true" human biengs? Robots,infact,do action without any thought or feelings. human beings on the other hand have minds which they must think with before approaching an action.however,nowadays the biggest mistake people are commiting is valuing action over thought. </p>
<p>as days come and go,many things happen, children grow ,and new ideas are formed.perhaps, the most important thing that happens as days pass is the growth of young innocent children.they are the mirrors of what they see in thier society.
And what do they see?they see movies and cartoon valuing actions, mostly heroic or infact "violenve" over thought.
what can we expect from our children?if you raise your hand infron of the mirror you wont find your mouth opening ,you will find your hand rising . the same thing happens with our children. they nconsiously immitate what they see specially specially if it was something valued by the society.</p>
<p>we all have the same treasure , the treasure of mind, the treasure of thought, but only few of us worked hard to find the key that can open the treasure. people like " ahmed zowail" and introspective scientist,dicovered the phymtosecond and was awarded the nhoble prize. he wasnt going to be able to do his "action of discovering the phymtosecond without alot of thinking and too many evaluations in his "mind".therefore,he wasnt going to awarded the noble prize and praised for his action if he didnt think in the first place.</p>
<p>last but not least, prasisng and valuing action over thought is an inconsistent action that doesnt match al the brilliant minds creating advanced technology in this century,.our minds and thoughts ar like flowers , if not watered theyll die.</p>