Hi I’m a senior who was accepted to WUSTL class of 2019.
Although I’m truly grateful that I got into such an amazing school, my dream school always has been Columbia university, where I was rejected from. I am, however, planning to attend WUSTL, but also planning to try transferring to Columbia. I know the chances are extremely slim but I really want to give it a try.
So my questions are 1) when I transfer to another school, will the employers, when I apply for internships and jobs, be able to see my previous school? 2) If so, will that affect my chances of getting a job? 3) And lastly, will I receive the same degree as the students who were admitted as first- year freshmen applicants?
Thank you very much in advance!
And please note that I’m not at all bashing WUSTL or anything! 
@jasonkos Same question, but I was waitlisted at Columbia. Can I get off of the WL? Transferring from Duke or Brown?
Hii I am a current sophomore in SEAS. I did not attend WUSTL but a fellow transfer friend did, and so did someone els who lives in my building I think.
First of all, yes I think you should disclose that you have transferred when you apply for jobs. I don’t know about like 15 years down the line when you need to save space, but of course they’ll see it. Oh, yeah, they can find out. It’s written plainly in your transcript that you have transfer credits.
I don’t think it should, unless your employer happened to have some sort of weird bias against transfers? Pretty sure transferring is just around as competitive as normal admissions. (And has been harder in certain years in the past idk) Obviously if they ask you in a job interview why you transferred, you should have a better reason than just “it’s more prestigious!!” but anything from “I <3 NYC” to “better well-rounded education appeal” should be enough. I heard from a friend that someone in her building tried applying to some internship while completely lying about transferring schools, and consequently was caught.
And of course you will receive the same degree as everyone else. I don’t know about combined planners, but when you transfer, you become a normal student here.
@cubreaker Hey thanks so much for your input! really appreciate it!
Just one more question! When you transfer, do people know that you are a transfer student? If so, do transfer students blend in smoothly to the student body? sorry I have so many questions 
oh and do you have to retake the SATs when you transfer or can use the score u received before?? (in my case, its 2014 june)
@cubreaker can you please find waitlist statistics? i couldnt find any
Okay I’ll answer these except for the waitlist ones, because it’s unlikely I’ll find it.
When you transfer you have an orientation together with the first-years. Do people know I’m a transfer? Yes, because I usually tell them a while after meeting them. You often cannot tell, though. In my CC class there turned out to be two other transfer students. I mentioned how I was a transfer and then they were both like “me too!”. Wouldn’t have known otherwise.
So yes they do blend in smoothly but obviously you have to put in the effort. Join and become close to some student organization on campus, you’ll meet people through there and extend your network. You will probably have a bubble of other transfer friends. Make an effort to meet new people. If you do, you will blend in well enough that eventually you will stop thinking about your old school. Because I sure know that my old school was definitely in my mind a lot last semester, but less so now.
And for SAT scores, just email Columbia and ask, I do not know. Most likely they’ll still have it on file, but I never applied to Columbia for freshman admission so I just sent it for the first time. I wouldn’t know, contact them. The annoying part about the transfer process is that the process isn’t the best documented - like the website with instructions leaves you with questions, so just ask them.
If you have more questions just ask.