please help! I am afraid will it hurt my chances?

<p>I am from Bangladesh.i want to get into ivy league college,specially harvard of course.but here in bangladesh we don't have opportunity to voulentire like US kids do. And i am afraid if this would hurt my chances. i don't have excellent ec's like others.but still please chance me and what other things should i do to increase my chances
My stats:
GPA:5 (on a scale of 5)
SAT:have not taken yet but soon will.and trying to score perfect 2400.
decoration club(9,10,11,12)
music(since i was 8 and still do,i sang on the national youth programme, many school prog,other progs and church events)(from grade 2-12)
debate club(9,10)
magazine editor
sing on the church choir since i was a kid
youth comitte
bible study convenor
attended many camps as a kid, teen camp.
i don't have a lot of ec's but i did those things i loved and tried to be dedicated. please be honest and what more should i do to increase my chances.</p>

<p>Improve your english.</p>

<p>snipersas,when you learn any language or anything you are in a process of improvement for the rest of your yeah i am and will continue to improve my english. Thanks for your concern i take it positively.</p>

<p>i dont find a lot of problems in your post relating to english save for a few typos. and also try building a great vocabulary with a lot of words and stuff like that. instead of repeating boring old words try synonyms.</p>

<p>and no i dont think the adcoms there consider such factors like stellar volunteering records for internationals especially if you are from Bangladesh. in all probability they will consider. </p>

<p>as far as harvard is concerned, im clueless(as is everyone else). they are unpredictable as hell. ive seen people with lower credentials get in at harvard and other ivies. while others with perfect scores are rejected too. the best we can say is give it a shot! nothing more can we assure. and do remember to apply to a variety of colleges and keep a good selection of matches ready at your disposal. and dont freak out. keep your cool bro:)</p>