Hi, I go to a small community college in Arizona.
I did horrible in highschool, barley even passed really. Once I got to college, community college,because I couldn’t even get into my state school, I told myself I would do better…and I have.Long story, short story ,I’m not doing as good as I could have ,and I want to know what my chances of transfering into some top schools are.Some of the schools I have my heart set on are N.Y.U, Johns Hopkins, Cornell,Duke, UMich, Ucla, Ucsd, University of Wisconsin, Madison, and Unc Chappel Hill.
Current college G.P.A=3.42
Expected college G.P.A= 3.5 or low 3.6
(with honors)
Major:psychology and philosophy
Expected to transfer with 80 credits
EC’s:president of philosophy club,Psi Beta student government representative, Phi Thetta Kappa, have been a T.A for psych 101 classes, have worked on research and presented it at conference, aswell as have worked in the lab as a research assistant for one of my state schools over the summer.