Please help.I'm in need of advice from people who know better than I

Hi, I go to a small community college in Arizona.
I did horrible in highschool, barley even passed really. Once I got to college, community college,because I couldn’t even get into my state school, I told myself I would do better…and I have.Long story, short story ,I’m not doing as good as I could have ,and I want to know what my chances of transfering into some top schools are.Some of the schools I have my heart set on are N.Y.U, Johns Hopkins, Cornell,Duke, UMich, Ucla, Ucsd, University of Wisconsin, Madison, and Unc Chappel Hill.

Current college G.P.A=3.42
Expected college G.P.A= 3.5 or low 3.6
(with honors)
Major:psychology and philosophy
Expected to transfer with 80 credits
EC’s:president of philosophy club,Psi Beta student government representative, Phi Thetta Kappa, have been a T.A for psych 101 classes, have worked on research and presented it at conference, aswell as have worked in the lab as a research assistant for one of my state schools over the summer.

What’s your budget, per year?
Have you applied to ASU Barrett? If not, do so right away.

Many of those schools may not take CC transfers (particularly from OOS) unless they are recruited athletes – also be aware that many of your credits will not transfer to any of those schools – they’ll make individual assessments of each course to determine whether it meets their standards. You would be much better off transferring to an Arizona state school – they’ll probably have a history with your CC and may be obligated to transfer all of your credits.

What is your budget?

It doesn’t matter if you get admitted if you can’t afford it.