Please help me get back on track

Hi! I just started sophomore year and I’m driving myself crazy to be quite honest. Last year I played varsity sports all three trimesters, but my heart really isn’t in any of those sports any more. Now, I’m starting off the year with no activities planned except managing my 2 AP’s, 3 honors, and one regular class. I’m a straight A student and I know I can handle my school work, but I really wan’t and need to find some other things that I enjoy doing. I plan on doing track in the spring so I will probably work out most days. Other than that I’ve unfortunatley ruled out things that I don’t like, but haven’t found any that I do like. I love community service and plan on taking on more roles there, but I am wondering if anyone has suggestions. Maybe some little-know EC’s that are fun or fullfilling? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Some suggestions:

If your school offers any of these, and you have more than (on average) 2 hours of free time a day, join them, they are super fun!
Science: Science Olympiad (highly competitive, extremely fun, and great for leadership if your school does captains, also winning awards are also very good), I personally am part of this, and I can tell you that it is THE extracurricular, I wouldn’t quit it for anything else.
Tech: TSA (Technology Student Association, less competitive than Science Olympiad, but still very competitive and has awards)
Music: If you sing, join your school’s choir, if you play an instrument, join your school’s or a local orchestra/band.
General Academics: Academic Decathlon
Volunteering: buildON, or some local organization
Math: Mathcounts, MathTeam, etc.
Writing: Your school’s newspaper

I’m sure there are plenty of clubs at your school. Join whichever club you think sounds interesting! Or at least come to the informational meeting.