I hope someone can help me make sense of this. It is keeping me up at night!
D is a junior at a school that uses the CSS Profile. The first year we could not even come close to affording the payments, so out of desperation for extra income I started a small business selling vintage furniture. It has been -to my utter surprise- very successful and grown quickly. (It is still a one-person business with no employees, though. I just work 65 hours a week at it )
I do my own accounting using quickbooks. A young CPA helped me set that up, but he is not very experienced and cannot answer the questions below.
Here’s the problem: this year so far, I have put over $10,000 MORE of our household income INTO the business (to buy inventory) than we have taken out. I’m scared to death that I made a REALLY bad decision vis a vis financial aid. (It was a good decision for the future of the business, though.)
From a quick look at my accounting software, it looks like my gross sales so far are $85,500 and my net income is around $32,000. I know that net will decrease when I do taxes because of deductions not included in my accounting like car use and home office, so that helps for FAFSA, as I understand it, but not for CSS.
The thing that is NOT showing here is that I actually did not earn that $32,000, but rather invested all that plus >$10,000 more back into the business, where it is in the form of inventory. As I understand it, that is not an expense until I actually sell those items, when it becomes a Cost of Goods Sold expense. But that won’t be until next year. So, in terms of actual income that our family made, it’s actually negative.
If that $32,000 income is added to my husband’s salary, it’s going to mean we’ll owe probably 5x what we have been paying for her tuition. That would cripple us. (Also, will the value of that inventory - about $79,000- be considered as something that will raise our EFC even more?!?!!? Oh no, I didn’t even think of THAT!)
Is there something I am misunderstanding here, or is the above correct. Should I just try to get rid of all that inventory right away, just wholesale it to someone or give it away?
I really appreciate your help!