Please help me..What do you do on the Reading Test on ACT?

<p>the title described it all. :p</p>

<p>i took my very first practice ACT test on the red book today..<em>sick of SATs</em>
and i FREAKED OUT when i saw the chapter 3, which is the Reading Test.
[you can assume that i got a horrible score here.. ended up with guessing more than a half- didnt know what to do!]</p>

<p>4 passages in 35 minutes??</p>

<p>i mean.. do people actually read all of them and answer the questions?..
or are there any tips or strategies that i need to use/make?</p>

<p>please, please help this poor girl.. <em>sob</em></p>

<p>It’s really ard to say because reading is an aquired skill. It looks like you aren’t understanding what you’re reading because of the time limit. I’m sure there’s some people here with some good tips.</p>

<p>I remember that someone posted a guide to tackling the SAT CR section, but I’m not sure how useful that’ll be here. When it comes to the ACT, I found it helpful to look at all the questions first and scan for answers after gaining some context. There’s no point in reading the whole thing unless you have to do so to answer all the questions. </p>

<p>The ACT tends to ask only a few types of questions on Reading, such as vocabulary in context, main idea, etc, and there are four general passage types: humanities, prose, natural sciences, and social sciences. Humanities can be troublesome, but none of them are impossible. If you know what’s coming, there’s no reason to be nervous. I’d suggest continuing practice.</p>

<p>thank you so much El Huero,
i guess that im just lacking of practice…
and i will make sure that i work on them HARD.</p>

<p>and yes, cjgone, i did not understand what i was doing under the time pressure and
the length of those four passages. i mean they are better than the SAT ones -including the questions- however it’s true that i really need to practice more.</p>

<p>i will be back with a score 32 by June :)</p>

<p>^Goodluck I guess. It took me 2 years before I got from a 26 in reading to a 32 this year.</p>

<p>I liked reading the blurb at the beginning then reading the passage and answering the questions after, looking for line numbers when given. I wish I had a secret, but I don’t. After a few years of school, I was able to read more quickly and actively, and I could quickly find info in the passages to memorize it.</p>