<p>I'm so worried right now any advice is welcome please</p>
<p>I graduated high school in June of 2007, i was accepted to three schools: Cal Poly SLO, UC Irvine, and UC Riverside. I made my decision to go to ucr based off of the financial aide (24,000 in grants, full ride). I found it suspicious that Irvine offered no assistance but didn't think much of it at the time.</p>
<p>Once i finished my summer term (right after high school) i went to the financial aide office because no check had arrived, i find out that whoever gave me my account information mixed up mine with another students (same name, date of birth) and i would not be entitled to any financial help. I understood now why Irvine gave me no aide, because i didn't really qualify. The financial aide director made up some ******** and basically told me "Sorry but you don't deserve this money".</p>
<p>I had to take on a full time job so i wouldn't have to take out 20000 in loans to cover their mistake and help out my parents. To this day i am debt free.</p>
<p>My grades suffered tremendously (2.2 cuml at UCR), after my first year and one quarter i decided to go to community college (i was told by UCR i could get readmitted if i wanted to return). I've been going their since and have averaged over a 3.5 gpa. (Working full-time at a four year is a hell of alot harder than working full-time at a community college for damn sure).</p>
<p>I took classes that were needed to get into cal state schools (requirements are completely different for UC's), i applied for the upcoming 2010 fall term for three cal states: Fullerton, Pomona, Long Beach. I have already been rejected by all three schools. I called Long Beach admissions and was told that my gpa was not sufficient and that even if i appeal the decision with a letter from UCR saying my grades suffered because of the financial decision it would have no effect; to but it bluntly don't waste my time appealing. At least they were upfront about it.</p>
<p>Now, my dilemma is for my major a 2.5 is required for UCR, and i improved my gpa alot by going to c.college, but readmittance for the term works different than applying for the term. If i were to have applied and gotten in some or most of the classes i took at the community college would have been accepted, but because i'm simply readmitting the classes will not transfer over. So i've literally wasted a year and half for nothing, and my gpa is still a 2.2.</p>
<p>What course would be the best? Taking over the classes i did poorly in at UCR over at the community college (grade only gets average in not replaced, but its better than nothing.), and hope to get in one day at a cal state, do the same thing but apply to a different UC? Or simply go back to Riverside and change my major?</p>
<p>please any help is welcome</p>
<p>I want to be a lawyer so maybe in the long run it is better to stay at UCR?</p>