i'm sorry i just find it funny that ur freaking over one D in a class
you are SO TIGHT
not that it's a bad thing, i admire that you do so well
but man
u one crazy mojigga lol america is competetive as hell ***izzle</p>
<p>i've prolly gotten 20+ C/D/F in my college career, and more C's and B's than A's</p>
<p>but i'm still going to college! otherwise i'll be a garbagetrucman...
see you at harvard or something (i live in boston...i go there to eat)</p>
<p>lol, hahaha, after averaging everything out an A might still be a possibility, I won't make a big deal out of it, however I will talk to him one on one and hopefully he will give me the 10 minutes to finish the test.</p>
<p>What you do is when he annouces the next test, you ask him, how much time do we have</p>
<p>You had TWO DAYS to finish the test, and that still wasn't enough, did he ever give you two days before, and when did he say it was going to be two days? </p>
<p>Maybe instead of after school or into lunch he EXTENDED the test to the next day, thus allowing you to study some more or reivew....</p>
<p>Sometimes you won't be able to finish a test, imagine that, that is how life works, imo, you were darn lucky he gave you extended time all along, most teachers are so nice, and now you are complaining because he didn't give more than two days to finish one test</p>
<p>in college, you won't get extra time, unless you have special accomadations </p>
<p>Haha, i've got a B+ in precalc right now. It's no sweat. If you didn't finish you didn't finish. If you freak out at him it'll just make you look like a grade-grubber, which maybe you are, and teachers hate those. Maybe getting your first B will be good for you.</p>
<p>If a B drop your rank by 30 spots then your school grades are highly inflated and probably be a known factor to top school admission office.</p>
<p>That can only be possible if there are 30 perfect 4.0 students which can happen as our neighborhood school generally have that many Valedictorians with perfect 4.0.</p>
<p>In that case the chances are more on your course load than your grade. As many time students with 3.9 have made it to the top schools than 4.0 valedictorians as many students just take easy course to be in the newspaper as a valadictorians.</p>