<p>Hello, first time poster
I'm currently a high school junior looking for some guidance in choosing the colleges I will eventually apply to. I have a cumulative weighted GPA of ~4.3 (around 3.8 unweighted) with a weighted GPA of 4.566 through the first semester of this year at a fairly prestigious private, catholic high school in New Jersey. I take almost all AP and honors classes. I am active in 8 school clubs including being the treasurer of the International Travelers Club (have gone to Italy and Japan) and the associate editor of the award-winning school paper. I've done community service at the local Boys and Girls club and little league as well as 40 hours of service as mandated by my school. I am waiting on my SAT scores as I took the test two weeks ago, but I am expecting 1900-2200 with 700+ scores in reading and writing. I will more than likely major in English or something related to literature and writing such as Journalism. </p>
<p>I am looking for an enjoyable college experience but with a fairly challenging and prestigious academic program. I'd prefer a small-medium amount of students, fraternities, parties, and networking. Essentially a school where I will make a lot of friends and have a good time. I'd like a school near a good community where there's never a lack of things to do but I never necessarily feel overwhelmed. </p>
<p>Out of these schools:
Boston College
Johns Hopkins
(and other schools you can think of that meet the above criteria)</p>
<p>Which school do you think seems to be the best fit for me?
With a small-mid sized number of students, a good campus environment, fraternities, parties, good academic programs especially in English, and a warm, inviting area around the campus that's condusive to meeting new people and having an enjoyable time.</p>
<p>Keep in mind that just because I want a school with the above characteristics does not mean that I want to breeze through college. I want to be challenged at the same time and truly come away skilled at whatever I decide to major in. Please keep any suggestions for schools in the range of the top 200 in the nation at the least. </p>
<p>Thanks in advance for your input,