Please help with next year transfer (T10 to Haas)

I’m a freshman at a T10 school not too happy (mainly socially and I need in state tuition due to new circumstances ). I’m a CA native and live near Cal (1-2hrs away). Would it be more or less probable for me to get into Haas since I’m a T10 school student already?

Tbh, probably not. Haas takes very few, if any, transfers that are not from a CCC. It does occasionally happen but not often. If you really wish to do this, I recommend going to a CCC.

If you need to transfer to an in-state university in California for financial reasons, then you should apply to multiple schools. Fortunately this is a valid reason to transfer which might help your chances.


I saw their non ccc transfer rate is approx 14%

I found these FAQs online.
I’d also look online and be sure you take all prerequisite courses needed for Haas.