Please help with these sentence corrections!

<p>Far "away from" having been a diehard conservative, "Hoover was", some scholars "now contend", the leading progressive "of his day". "no Error"</p>

<p>I thought the error was "of his day". I thought it was supposed to be "in his day", but the correct answer is "away from", and I have no idea why.</p>

"For the past" hundred years or more, Yellowstone National Park "was" a kind of sociological laboratory "in which" North Americans have been exploring "the meaning of" the national-park concept. "No Error".</p>

<p>I chose "No Error", but the answer is "was". Why!?!?</p>

<li><p>A. (should be ‘Far from’)</p></li>
<li><p>B. (should be ‘has been’)</p></li>

<p>^ agree w/ stueydue</p>

<p>Agreed with the above posters.</p>

<p>To expand on the second sentence: “was” is past tense, but present perfect tense is needed here. Notice the parallelisms that need to be here; “have been exploring” has to agree with “Yellowstone National Park has been.”</p>

<p>I think so, at least…</p>