<p>As an international I am rather confused with the UC application. For entering your academic history, do you have to answer since grade 7? In my country our transcripts only show from grade 10, because that is all that is considered. Also, what does HL mean? My classes are called AP at my school but do they qualify as AP by UC standards? And finally, how to do you indicate that some of your courses were not in English?</p>
<p>HL is higher level in the IB (International Baccalaureate) Program.</p>
<p>Do you take the AP exams for your AP classes? If you do, then it’s the same.</p>
<p>Well AP exams aren’t available in other countries, are they?</p>
<p>Yeah, only Yr 12 counts for my schooling system.</p>
<p>Oh okay yes we do. Do they count honours classes at all? If I do not have a transcript since grade 9, what do I do?</p>
<p>UC only counts your grades from grade 9 and up. For grades 7/8, you only report if you took accelerated math and foreign language (report only courses not grades). Do you have a report card for grades 7/8? That should be sufficient.</p>