Please help

<p>i just got into the art and english program. Originally, VCU was my safety but now since i'm in all i hear from people is how great the school's art program is and how fun it is. My parents want me to visit, is there any sort of host program or something?</p>

<p>Also, I want to know about the percentage of students who exit VCU: do most of them get jobs? where do these kids end up at grad school?
And how are the professors? in both english and art

<p>The open house is Feb. 7th. I am not sure whether or not their are any overnight events tho.
[VCU</a> Open House](<a href=“Events - Admissions - Virginia Commonwealth University”>Events - Admissions - Virginia Commonwealth University)</p>

<p>not too sure about the stats of kids graduating so ill get back to you with an exact number, but I do know a **** load of the people coming from the business school get some pretty decent jobs in rva.</p>