Please match me: European-American female, 3.98 UW GPA, 35 ACT, Chemistry & Art History [US+EU citizen living outside the US]

Btw, this thread comprises college visit reports by parents and kids all over the country. It doesn’t replace being there in person of course but that+ virtual tour should be as good as you can get for a first look. This (below) covers the last 15 posts but if you track it you’re sure to get a few more after Thanksgiving break.

They’re subjective or subject to weather/incidentals, and caveats are generally noted (you’ll often find 2 visit reports within a month where 1 person found the campus dynamic and vibrant whereas the other found it lifeless, for instance, so even this is of interest as a ‘depends on the day’ thing v. Reports consistently reporting one or the other…)