Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want

<p>This is the fourth time I've posted a chance me thread in the last couple of days. The past three threads didn't get a single response. Please chance me, please.</p>

<p>I plan on applying to transfer for the Fall 2012 semester, from a unknown NJ state school. I'm a Political Science major. By the time I'll apply, I should have 44 credits, and a GPA around 3.4.</p>

<p>Extracurriculars include my college's leadership program, working part-time, studying abroad in Spain for a semester, and backpacking through the rest of Western Europe in the winter break.</p>

<p>I'm Hispanic, a son of Latin American immigrants, as well as a first generation college student...if it matters.</p>

<p>I don't need to submit H.S. records or SAT scores for these schools. And I won't. They're absolutely horrid.</p>

<p>The schools I'm looking into are:
* Syracuse University
* University of Miami
* George Washington University</p>

<p>So, what are my chances?</p>

<p>I don’t know your chances. Try to get your gpa up though.</p>

<p>Being 1st gen and a URM will help you. Your GPA is ehh - if you can get it up another .3 or so, you’d be more competitive. I don’t know anything about Syracuse or UM, I would say your chances are 60/40 for GWU. Your ECs are not that strong, in my opinion. I don’t know that colleges weigh studying abroad that heavily. It’s great that you had the chance to do it, but unless you were selected to do it because of stellar grades or a charity organization or something, all it shows is that you had the money to do it. So really, you have 1 leadership position, and a part-time job. You have another year - I would join some clubs that you’re interested in and work on bringing up your grades. A couple 4.0 semesters will really help you.</p>

<p>Good luck! And in the future, you can continue to “bump” an old thread; you don’t need to keep posting new ones. The transfer boards are more geared toward specific questions, so Chance threads don’t always get a lot of attention. If you want more feedback, I would post in the “What Are My Chances?” forum.</p>

<p>The average GPA for transfers at the University of Miami is a 3.4. You can check the transfer page on their website for that information.</p>