<p>Sorry for the bump, but I really like this thread. And, I need to provide definitions for my list.</p>
<p>Temerity - Audacity
Ephemeral - Short-lived, fleeting
Potentiate - To increase in power
Obviate - To render unnecessary
Obdurate - Stubborn
Ameliorate - To make better (for lack of better terms)
Endow - To provide or furnish</p>
<p>lackadaisical - listless
(easy way to memorize: when a hero lacks a daisy, he lacks strength)</p>
<p>vacuous - idiotic
(when one's brain is empty, he lacks intelligence)</p>
<p>anachronistic - referring to something from a period other than that in which it exists
(when a person heard that people in the past rode horses, he said, why not a car? it's faster.)</p>
<p>jocund - cheerful merry glad
eleemosynary - generous to the poor, charitable
harlequin - (n, adj) a joker, jester, buffon as a noun, overly colorful as an adj</p>
<p>Harlequin is the origin of the name of a certain character named Harley Quinn</p>