<p>Arcane: mysterious, esoteric</p>
<p>I love those words.</p>
<p>I also love this thread. It helps me when writing.</p>
<p>nice : precise with accuracy i think</p>
<p>this word is easy to memorize for me,because everytime people make shots in basketball,we say "nice" XD perhaps thats where it came from =O</p>
<p>Flibbertigibbet....that's where my screen name come from :D</p>
<p>maudlin: overly sentimental, foolish</p>
<p>amciw - your words sound so cool!! please please please enlighten me with definitions... because i am oh so lazy and my fingers cannot type [url=<a href="http://www.dictionary.com%5DDictionary.com%5B/url">http://www.dictionary.com]Dictionary.com[/url</a>]..</p>
<p>Haha omg I have to tell you guys, some of the SAT words I know I remember because of Harry Potter...</p>
<p>like "impervius" (which means deflecting, I think) like when Harry does the Impervius spell so that water wouldn't get on his glasses when it rained during the Quidditch match</p>
<p>and "ennervate" .... mwahahaha</p>
<p>impervious is like unable to sink in. i think
enervate is to weaken</p>
<p>Yeah enervate makes no sense in HP because it's the unstunning spell...yet it's to weaken...</p>
<p>Maybe it means to weaken the stunning spell? I wonder if Protego means anything. I can only think of protagonist.</p>
<p>Thought of another one (sorry guys :))!!
The Protean Charm, which Hermione uses to change the dates on Galleons... </p>
<p>Main Entry: pro·te·an<br>
Pronunciation: ˈprō-tē-ən, prō-ˈtē-\
Function: adjective
Date: 1598
1 : of or resembling Proteus in having a varied nature or ability to assume different forms
2 : displaying great diversity or variety : versatile
- source: Dictionary</a> and Thesaurus - Merriam-Webster Online</p>
<p>Stultiloquence: nonsense.</p>
<p>arbitrary - base on factors that appear random
arbiter - one who resolves a dispute
Floccinaucinihilipilification - the act of describing something as worthless</p>
<p>Use Nuemonic Devices</p>
<p>Loquacious Loquanda-very talkative</p>
<p>I'm not trying to be rude but you're a platitude-dull and boring</p>
<p>Cantankerous- Cant take your bad temper anymore.</p>
<p>Lol. it helps me.</p>
<p>innuendo: indirect suggestion about someone/thing (especially something negative)</p>
<p>tantalize = tease</p>
<p>: )</p>
<p>defenestrate is a classic vocab word...
or botryoidal .... shaped like a sack of grapes? i forget how its spelled</p>
<p>huuge bump! I'm liking this thread :O</p>
<p>puissant - powerful</p>
<p>usc2013: I think you've been reading too much "Up Your Score!!!"</p>
<p>oooh ivyleaguewannabe, is that a French word?</p>