<p>Hi, I'm a male asian junior at a competitive public school trying to get into the following colleges: </p>
<p>Penn State (University park, Engineering)
University of Michigan (Engineering)
Carnegie Mellon (CIT, SCS)
Johns Hopkins (Engineering)
Cornell (Engineering)</p>
<p>GPA: 94.7/100 Weighted - that's about top 25% of my class
SAT's: Took twice already...1400 composite and 1330 (highest in one sitting) I may take new SAT's early sr year but I suck at the writing test... :(
EC's: Pretty average actually...but I devote lots of time and dedication to them
Musicals, Plays, Productions (set construction, etc...)
Orchestra, County orchestra, Symphony orchestra (all during HS and before)
Various Science clubs - Physics, Environmental (A few leadership positions in these)
Work experience over the summer - food service
Work experience at medical center - computer programmer</p>
<p>Essays and recommendations should be pretty good...</p>
<p>Please predict my chances/outcomes and offer me any advice. Thanks!</p>