Please predict the outcomes....

<p>Hi, I'm a male asian junior at a competitive public school trying to get into the following colleges: </p>

<p>Penn State (University park, Engineering)
University of Michigan (Engineering)
Carnegie Mellon (CIT, SCS)
Johns Hopkins (Engineering)
Cornell (Engineering)</p>

<p>GPA: 94.7/100 Weighted - that's about top 25% of my class
SAT's: Took twice already...1400 composite and 1330 (highest in one sitting) I may take new SAT's early sr year but I suck at the writing test... :(
EC's: Pretty average actually...but I devote lots of time and dedication to them
Musicals, Plays, Productions (set construction, etc...)
Orchestra, County orchestra, Symphony orchestra (all during HS and before)
Various Science clubs - Physics, Environmental (A few leadership positions in these)
Work experience over the summer - food service
Work experience at medical center - computer programmer</p>

<p>Essays and recommendations should be pretty good...</p>

<p>Please predict my chances/outcomes and offer me any advice. Thanks!</p>

<p>I think JHU and Cornell are too big reaches, but if you want them make sure you apply ED to make them more realistic. Your rank will hurt you. Michigan is much more likely, but make sure you apply REALLY early in the process.</p>

<p>well your definitely in at penn state</p>

<p>Please...anyone else?</p>